Public Documents 2019


NOSDA WSIB Letter Oct 11, 2017
NOSDA WSIB Letter June 8 2015 
19-92 Ontario Health Team Application
19-91 Town of Espanola Apportionment
19-90 3rd Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-89 CAO 3rd Quarter Report
19-88 Housing & Homelessness 5 Year Update
19-87 Gore Bay Properties
19-86 Direct Shelter Subsidy
19-85 Social Housing Reorganization
19-84 CAO Contract
19-83 HR Policies
EAST Update October 2018 to September 2019
19-77 SH Regulatory Changes
19-76 Permanent PTS
19-75 2020 Response Time Standard
19-74 Child Care Spaces
19-73 2020 Budget
19-72 Minutes
19-71 Gore Bay Properties
19-70 SH Property Sales
19-65 Wiki Financial
19-64 Child Care Expansion
19-63 2019 2nd Q Financial Report
19-62 2019 2nd Q CAO Report
19-61 Single Family Properties
19-59 Minutes
19-54 NOSDA 2019 Resolutions
19-53 10 Year H&H Update 
19-52 Single Family Property Sales 
NOSDA 2019 Proposed Resolutions
Integrity Commissioner Presentation
19-46 Surplus
19-45 4th Quarter 2018 Audited Financial Report
19-44 2019 Annual Report on Reserves
19-43 2019 1st Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-42 2019 CAO 1st Quarter Report
19-41 Property Sales
19-40 Non-Union Increase
19-38 CUPE CA
19-34 Audited Financial Statement
Homeless Inforgraphic
Channelview Neighbourhood Model
Paramedic Week
19-46 2018 Surplus Resolution
19-24 Response Time Standard
19-23 Deployment Plan Update
19-22 Service System Management
19-21 2018 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-20 2018 4th Quarter CAO Report
19-19 Request for Expression of Interest 
19-13 Service System Management
19-12 Communications Officer
19-11 Good Neighbour Program
19-10 Accessibility for Seniors Update
19-09 Revised Homelessness Report
19-08 Signing Authority
19-07 Budget
19-03 2019 Vice Chair
19-02 2019 Chair
Ontario Housing Policy Statement 2011
NOSDA Service System Management Postion Paper 2013
Child Care & Early Years Regulations November 2018
2019 Board Orientation Binder

Public Documents 2020/21


      21-92 2022 Budget
Public Health Directive #6
      21-83 Mental Health and Addictions
      21-82 ECE Appreciation
      21-81 NOSDA Resolution
      21-80 CC Funding
      21-79 Policy 6.06 
      21-78 2nd Quarter Unaudited Financial
      21-77 CAO 2nd Quarter
      21-76 Policy G.8.14
      21-75 Paramedic Services Capital Planning and Call Volume
      21-74 SSRF and COCHI Plans
      21-73 10 Year Homelessness Plan 
      21-72 OW Service Plan 2021-2022
      21-71 Previous Minutes
      2021 NOSDA Resolutions
21-66 SA Vision
      21-65 HR Policy Revision
      21-64 OW Policy Revision
      21-63 Community Housing Policy Revisions
      21-62 2021 Deployment Plan Pilot Update
      21-61 Previous Minutes
21-56 2020 Surplus
      21-55 2021 Annual Report on Reserves
      21-54 2021 First Quarter Financial
      21-53 CAO 2021 First Quarter
      21-52 Previous Minutes
      21-51 2020 Audited Financial Statements
      21-49 NEMI Build
      CMHA-MSDSB 12 Month Report
      21-43 NOSDA AGM 2021
      21-42 Homeless Enumeration 2021
      21-41 SSRF Phase 3 Funding
      21-40 Community Safety Plans
      21-39 PeerConnect
      21-38 Previous Minutes
      Investment Plan SSRF Phase 3 Submitted to MMAH
      21-33 CHPI Investment Plan
      21-32 CS Policy Changes
      21- 31 Previous Minutes
      21-26 CPLTC Update
      21-25 CHPI Food Banks
      21-24 Social Assistance Vision
      21-23 2020 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
      21-22 CAO 2020 4th Quarter
      21-21 Previous Minutes
      21-19 NOSDA Secondment
      21-15- 2021 Deployment Plan Update
      21-13 HISCP
      21-12 SSRF
      21-11 Severance Actuarial Report
      21-10 Procurement Policy Revisions
      21-09 Power Dam 2021 Apportionment
      21-08 2021 Signing Authority
      21-07 Previous Minutes
      21-06 LC Property
      21-05 Vice Chair
      21-04 Chair
      20-88 Q3 Unaudited Financial Report
      20-87 Q3 CAO Report
      20-86 2021 Budget
      20-85 Previous Minutes
      20-80 ECE Appreciation Day
      20-79 2021 Deployment Plan Pilot
      20-78 2021 Response Time
      20-77 Rent Freeze
      20-76 Centralized Waitlist
      20-75 HSC 10 Year Capital Plan and BCA
      20-74 Previous Minutes
      20-69 CMHA Situation Table
      20-68 Federal Safe Start
      20-67 SSRF Phase 2
      20-66 Protecting Tenants 
      20-65 Unaudited Finanical Q2
      20-64 CAO Q2
      20-63 Manitowaning Property
      20-62 Vacant Lots
      Remote Work Protocol
      CMHA Situation Table 6-Month Update
      WSIB Decision
      20-56 Child Care Reopening
      20-55 Average Market Rents COHB
      20-54 EO Audit
      20-53 Community Housing New Policy 
      20-47 Early Years Funding May 25 2020
      20-46 Emergency Child Care
      20-45 RPC
      20-44 SSRF
      20-43 COVID-19
      20-42 2019 Deficit
      20-41 Annual Report on Reserves
      20-40 1st Quarter Unaudited Financial
      20-39 1st Quarter CAO Report
      20-38 Previous Minutes
      20-37 2019 Audited Financial Statements
      RBC Reloadable Payment Card Feb 2019
      20-32 Work Deployment Measures
      20-31 Board Procedural By-Law Revision
      20-30 Minutes
      Emeregency Child Care
      20-25 COCHI Signing Authority
      20-24 4th Quarter Financial
      20-23 4th Quarter CAO Report
      20-22 Child Care Funding
      20-21 CGS Fleet Maintenance
      20-20 Response Time Standard
      20-19 Integrated Emergency Communication
      20-18 Ambulance Service Review
      20-17 COHB
      20-16 RGI Report
      20-15 Minutes
      20-14 Board Member
      20-08 Local Health Care Services
      20-07 Minutes
      20-04 Vice Chair
      20-03 Board Composition
      20-02 Chair
      Briefing Notes - ROMA Delegation
      Tab 1
      Tab 2
      Tab 3
      Tab 4
      Tab 5
      Tab 6
      Tab 7
      Tab 8
      Tab 9
      Tab 10
      Community Safety Wellness Resolutions
      French River
      Gordon/Barrie Island
      Gore Bay
      St. Charles

About Us

The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (DSB) is a municipal service management organization created by the provincial government to oversee the local planning, coordination and delivery of a range of services and programs divested to the municipal order of government.

The specific programs our DSB is responsible for are: Ontario Works, Community Housing, Paramedic Services (Land Ambulance), and Early Learning and Child Care services.

The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB promotes healthy communities through the planning, coordination and management of municipal services and programs in the districts of Manitoulin and Sudbury.

We represent 18 municipal partners in the Districts of Manitoulin and Sudbury (excluding the City of Greater Sudbury) and our service jurisdiction is over 45,000 square kilometers.

Mailing Address:
210 Mead Blvd, Espanola, ON, P5E 1R9

For information on Programs and Services please contact:

Paul Myre
Chief of Paramedic Services 
705-862-7850, ext. 601

Lori Clark
Director of Integrated Social Services (A) 
Direct Line: 705-862-7850 Ext. 150

Megan Sloan
Ontario Works Program Supervisor (A) 
705-862-7850, ext. 113

Rhonda McCauley
Community Housing Program Supervisor
705-862-7850, ext. 163

Kristian Thorne
Social Housing Program Supervisor (A)
705-862-7850 ext. 117

Amy Winnington-Ingram
Children's Program Supervisor (A)
705-862-7850, ext. 150


Fern Dominelli
Chief Administrative Officer
Direct Line: 705-222-7777

Donna Stewart
Associate Chief Administrative Officer
Direct Line 705-222-0499
Melody Ouellette
Executive Assistant
Direct Line: 705-222-0495
Connie Morphet
Director of Finance & Administration
Direct Line: 705-222-0496

Iain Stephen
Manager of Information Technology
705-862-7850 ext. 450

Josh Parkinson
Finance Supervisor 
705-862-7850 ext. 431

Public Documents



NOSDA Resolution 2013-03

NOSDA Resolution 2016-10

NOSDA Resolution 2017-12

NOSDA Resolution 2018-13

Child Care & Early Years Regulations November 2018

 2019 Board Orientation Binder
 18-96 3rd Quarter Financial
 18-95 3rd Quarter CAO Report
 18-89 2019 Response Time Standard
 18-88 Cannabis Policies
 18-87 SH Smoke Free Policy
 18-86 Revised SH Portfolio Review
 18-85 Service System Management Proposal
 18-84 NOSDA Report on SA Reform
 18-83 2019 Budget 
 18-81 Killarney Garage Door
 NOSDA Report on Social Assistance Reform Sept. 2018
 NOSDA Service System Management Resoltions 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018
18-62 Paramedic Services Strategic Deployment
18-61 Paramedic Intravenous
18-60 Child Care QA
18-59 Housing Benefit - with letter to MCSS and report
18-58 Accessibility for Seniors
Commercial Lift Proposal
CMHC Accessessible Housing by Design
Chair Lift
Vertical Lift
Inclined Lift
MOH June 14, 2018 PHB-SPP AMR
MOH May 18, 2018 PHB-SPP AMR
NHS Co-investment Fund
NHS Infographic
IAM Stair Lift SL1000 Brochure
IAM Stair Lift Delta Omega
KPMG Update Letter
2018 NOSDA AGM Resolutions
18-52 2017 Surplus
18-51 4th Quarter Audited Financial 
18-50 Report on Reserves
18-49 Financial Approval Policy
18-48 1st Quarter Financial
18-47 2018 CAO 1st Quarter
18-46 NOSDA Resolutions
18-45 Expansion of Community Paramedicine
18-44 Stryker Stair Chair
18-43 GreenON
18-42 Housing Benefit
18-41 10 Yr HH Plan 
18-40 Strategic Plan
18-36 Audited Financial Statements
18-33 Response Time Standard
18-32 Fleet Maintenance
18-31 GreenON
18-30 Social Infrastructure Fund
18-29 Homeless Enumeration
18-28 Child Care Quality Assurance
18-27 General Admin Policy Changes
C.2.09 Travel Expenditures - Effectve January 2019
18-21 Centralized Waiting List and Tenant Selection Policy Revision
18-20 2017 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
18-19 2017 4th Quarter CAO Report
18-18 Chapleau Non Urgent Patient Transportation
18-17 Road Safety and Electronic Patient Call Reporting
C.2.09 Travel Expenditure
WSIB NEER Dec 31, 2017 
Stretcher Transportation Services MOHLTC  April 20, 2015
Regional Transportation Guide 2014
Ornge Letter Oct 2015
18-11 SDHU NFB
18-10 IEC Building Fund
18-09 Multi Year Accessibility Plan
18-08 347 Second Ave. Construction Completion
18-07 Signing Authority
18-03 Vice Chair
18-02 Chair
IEC Fund Application
347 Second Ave Ontario Building Code Compliance
347 Second Ave Letter of Conformity 
HSC Submission Oct 15, 2015
17-76 Revised SH Portfolio
17-75 Ambulance Act
17-74 Homeless Enumeration
17-73 Home for Good
17-86 2017 3rd Quarter Financial
17-85 2017 CAO 3rd Quarter
17-84 SH Federal Funding
17-83 Response Time Standard
17-82 CC Rates
17-72 Journey Together
17-71 OEYCFC Plan
17-70 2018 Budget
17-64 Audited Financial Statement
17-63 Finance Quarterly Report
17-62 CAO Quarterly Report
17-61 French Language Services
17-60 Housing Services Corporation
17-59 Second Avenue Tender
17-58 Revised Social Housing Portfolio Review
17-56 Paramedic Services Reorganization
17-51 Transitional Community Support Worker Report
17-50 OW Service Plan
17-49 10-Year Housing & Homelessness Plan
17-48 Paramedic Services Strategic Plan
17-42 Surplus
17-41 2016 Fourth Quarter Audited Financial
17-40 2017 Annual Report on Reserves
17-39 2017 First Quarter Unaudited Financial
17-38 2017 CAO First Quarter Activity 
17-37 Homeless Enumeration
17-36 Portable Housing Benefit
17-32 Audited Financial Statement
17-29 Social Housing Portfolio
17-28 Home for Good
17-27 OW Policy Revisions
17-26 Response Time Standard
17-25 PTSD
17-19 2016 4th Quarter Unaudited Finacial Report
17-18 2016 4th Quarter CAO Report
17-17 Homeless Enumeration
17-16 CHPI Investment Plan
17-15 Transitional Support Worker Report
17-14 Social Housing Policies
17-08 Ambulance Service Review
17-07 Signing Authority
17-03 Vice Chair
17-02 Board Chair

16-92 Nutritious Food Basket
16-91 Community Homelessness Prevention
16-90 National Housing Strategy
16-89 One CACC
16-88 2016 Third Quarter Finacial 
16-87 2016 CAO Third Quarter
16-86 OPSEU CA
16-80 Response Time Standard
16-79 PDFP
16-78 French Language Services
16-77 NELHIN Innovative Strategic Plan on Housing and Health
16-76 2017 Budget 

16-70 DSSAB Act Review
16-69 Wikwemikong Audited Finacial Statement
16-68 2016 Second Quarter Finacial Report
16-67 2016 Second Quarter CAO Report
16-66 Child Care Quality Assurance
16-65 Employment Ontario Service Delivery

16-64 Social Infrastructure Fund
16-63 Basic Gauanteed Income
16-62 HR Polices
16-56 NOSDA 2016 AGM Resolutions
16-55 Our Kids Count Policy Revision
16-54 OW Service Plan Amendment
16-53 Social Housing Policies
16-52 Housing and Homeless Plan Review

2016 NOSDA AGM Resoltions Booklet 

16-46 2015 EMS 5 Year Staffing Plan
16-45 YJC Service Delivery
16-44 2015 Surplus
16-43 2015 4th Quarter Audited Financial Report
16-42 2016 Annual Report on Reserves
16-41 2016 1st Quarter Unaduited Financial Report
16-40 2016 1st Quarter CAO Report
16-36 Audited Financial Statement
2015 YJC Year Round Program Guidelines

2015 YJC Summer Program Guidelines

2015 YJC Contract
16-33 Medical Priority Dispatch System

16-32 Self Loading Stretcher System
16-31 Cross Border Billing
NOSDA Chair letter to Members - April 25, 2016

16-25 Response Time Standard

16-19 2014 4th Quarter Financial Report
16-18 CAO 2015 4th Quarter Report
16-17 DSB Committees
16-16 Our Kids Count Policy Revision
16-15 Child Care Informal Policy Revision
16-14 Transitional Community Support Worker
16-13 EMS Rebranding
OEA Webinar WSIB proposed preliminary Rate Framework Jan 7, 2016  
EMS Sec 21 Sub Committee Traffic Safety & Worker Visiability - Note 5 Sept 2015
16-07 2016 Signing Authority

16-03 Board Vice-Chair
16-02 Board Chair
Meeting with MTCU Minister January 18, 2016

Chapleau Needs Analysis 
15-96 PTS OPSEU Ratification

15-91 SDHU Nutritious Food Basket
15-90 3rd Quarter Unaudited Financial  
15-89 CAO 3rd Quarter
15-88 Duty to Accommodate
15-87 LaCloche PRU
15-85 Management Compensation
15-84 CUPE
15-82 SAMS OW Business Recovery
15-81 2016 EMS Response Time Standard
15-80 2016 Budget
15-78 DSB Banking Services
15-73 OW Service Plan

15-72 Wikwemikong Audited Financial Statements
15-71 2015 Second Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
15-70 2015 CAO Second Quarter Report
15-69 Mindemoya EMS Property
15-68 Jobs for Youth
15-67 Pet Policy
15-66 Canadian Housing BankFeasibility
15-65 Market Rents
2015 NOSDA Issues Book
DSB Purchases EMS Station in Central Manitoulin-Press Release

15-59 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan Progress Report

15-58 EMS Staffing Enhancement Results Progress Report
Deferred Market Rents Issue Report
15-52 Surplus

15-51 2014 Financial Report based on Audited Statements
15-50 2015 Annual Reserves
15-49 2015 Ist Quarter Financial Report
15-48 CAO 1st Quarter
15-47 EMS 5 Year Staffing
15-45 Property Issue

15-42 Audited Financial Statement
EMS Week Memo
Cultural Competancy
Espanola Garden Event 2015
Chapleau Garden Event 2015
15-39 Child Care Funding
15-38 Amublance Response Time Standard
15-37 Wikwemikong Staffing Enhancement
15-36 Duty to Accomodate
DSB Response Time Standard Letter to Richard Jackson
15-25 HR Policies
12-26 CAO Contract
15-27 Honoraria By-Law Revision
15-28 IAH
15-29 Community Paramedicine
15-30 SAMS Ongoing Costs
Espanola Family Selection sessions
Espanola Family App Poster
15-19 Investment in Affordable Housing Policies
15-18 Child Care Wage Enhancement Report
15-17 Employment Related Benefit Report
15-16 SAMS Report
15-15 Non-Urgent Patient Transportation Service Request for Expression of Interest Report
15-14 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report

15-13 4th Quarter CAO Report
St. Charles Presentation to Board - Feb 26 2015
Minister McMeekin Letter to Mayors Reeves
Request for Expression of Interest
15-07 2015 Signing Authority
15-03 2015 Vice Chair
15-02 2015 Chair

14-96 Sudbury & District Health Unit Nutritious Food Basket Survey14-96 Sudbury & District Health Unit Nutritious Food Basket Survey
14-95 Channelview Easement and Sewer Upgrade
14-94 Data Analysis Coordinator Services
14-93 Licensed Child Care Marketing Strategy
14-92 EMS Reorganization
14-91 Balanced Emergency Coverage 12 Month Update
14-90 Computer Policy
14-89 3rd Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
14-88 3rd Quarter CAO Report
Auditors Letter HST Audit
14-82 Investment in Affordable Housing Issue Report
14-81 Response Time Standard Issue Report
14-80 Vendor of Record Issue Report
14-79 Board Computer Policy Issue Report
14-78 New Policy B3.14
14-77 Auditor Appointment
14-76 2015 Budget
14-70 Community Paramedicine
14-69 NE LHIN Non-Urgent Patient Transfer Report
14-68 PAD Policy
14-67 2014 2nd Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
14-66 2014 2nd Quarter CAO Report
Guideline 9 Transistion Period
14-60 PAD Program

14-59 EMS Costs
Espanola Container Gardening Event 2014

Career Exploration 2014
DSB Letter to School Boards Best Start Hub Espanola
14-53 Community Paramedicine

14-52 2014 1st Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
14-51 2014 1st Quarter CAO Report
14-50 Channelview
14-44 Surplus

14-43 Approved Financial Statement

14-42 Annual Report on Reserves

14-41 Smoke Free Housing

14-40 JFY

14-36 Capital Reserve Fund
14-35 Receipt of Audited Financial Statement
NOSDA AGM Resolutions April 11, 2014
Jobs for Youth Program Guidelines 
14-32 Ontario Early Years Centres
14-31 Tenants Exiting Hospital
14-30 Paramedicine
North West - Non-Emergent Patient Transportation Review
KDSB Letter to Kathleen Wynne re Non Emergent Land Ambulance Patient Transfers
Kenora NEAT Executive Summary
Rainy River NEAT Issue Sheet
14-24 Federal Funding for Housing
14-23 2013 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
14-22 2013 4th Quarter CAO Report
14-21 Balanced Emergency Coverage
14-20 Revised Housing & Homelessness Plan
14-19 Channelview Sewage
14-13 SDHU Food Basket 
14-12 Fire and Police Access
14-11 Smoke Free Social Housing
14-10 Investigation Report
14-09 Ambulance Service Review
14-08 TWOMO Elections Policy
14-07 2014 Signing Authority 
14-03 2014 Vice-Chair
14-02 2014 Chair
2013 Nutritious Food Basket
BPS Directives Who Must Follow Directives

Province Vendor of Record Dec 20, 2013
13-106 FCM Housing Campaign
13-105 3rd Quarter Financial Report
13-104 CAO Report
13-103 LHIN Pilot Project
13-102 Balanced Emergency Coverage
13-101 OW Policy Revisions
13-100 Special Priority Seniors
13-99 Affordable Housing
13-98 Non-Bargaining Unit Increase
13-97 Retirement Recognition
13-91 Response Time Standard
13-90 Ambulance Service Review
13-89 2014 Budget
13-83 Jobs for Youth

13-82 2nd Quarter Financial Report
13-81 CAO 2nd Quarter Report
13-80 Youth Employment Fund
13-79 CS Rate and Capital
13-78 SH Designating Seniors Only
13-77 10 Year H & H Plan
Markstay-Warren Resolution SJFY - August 22, 2013 
DSB Reponse to Town of Espanola Letter
Letter from Town of Espanola
13-71 Updated EMS 5 Year Plan

13-70 New and Revised Child Care Policies
13-69 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan
13-68 Housing EOA
13-67 2012 Surplus
13-66 Annual Report on Reserves
Federal Funding for Social Housing 2013-17 
13-60 OW Funeral Issue Report
13-59 OW Funding Issue Report
13-58 OW 2 Year Service Plan
13-57 2013 Provincial Budget
13-56 2013 1st Quarter Financial Report
13-55 CAO 1st Quarter Report 2013
13-51 Audited Financial Statments
Killarney Resolution EMS Deployment Plan - May 15, 2013
St. Charles Resolution EMS Deployment Plan - April 17, 2013
Letter from Bourcier Funeral Home - April 11, 2013
13-48 HCF Policy Resolution
13-47 NOSDA Resolution
13-46 Finance Committee TOR Resolution
13-45 MPAC Resolution
Municipal Act Tax Ratios
13-39 Foleyet EMS Base
13-38 Mortgage Financing for O'Neil St
13-37 Chapleau Learning Centre
13-36 New Employment Ontario Policy
13-35 MPAC Assessment Town of Espanola
13-33 Land Transfer to Town of Gore Bay  
Town of Chapleau Letter and Resolution - Loss of ACE Program
Markstay Warren Resolution EMS Deployment - March 28, 2013
C.A. McMillan Place Mortgage Renewal
- March 28, 2013
Northern College Letter Chapleau Learning Centre
- March 2013
Apportionment - Assessment Act
- March 28, 2013
Apportionment - DSSAB Act - March 28, 2013
Espanola Youth Centre Presentation
- March 28, 2013
SAMS - Parallel Pilot Expression of Interest
Town of Espanola Letter - Apportionment
- March 5, 2013
13-28 Resolution
13-27 Resolution
13-26 Resolution
13-25 Resolution
13-24 Resolution
13-22 Resolution
13-21 Resolution
13-20 Resolution
Social Housing Manual Summary of Changes February 2013
13-02 Resolution
13-03 Resolution
13-06 Resolution
13-08 Resolution
13-09 Resolution
13-10 Resolution
13-11 Resolution
13-12 Resolution
13-13 Resolution
13-14 Resolution
13-15 Resolution
Ontario Works Summary of Policy Changes
 ECD Planning Funding Guidelines
12-110 Resolution

12-109 Resolution
12-108 Resolution
12-107 Resolution
12-106 Resolution
12-105 Resolution
12-104 Resolution
12-103 Resolution
12-99 Resolution
NE LHIN Request for Expression of Interest
12-96 Resolution
12-95 Resolution
12-94 Resolution
12-93 Resolution
12-92 Resolution
12-91 Resolution
12-87 Resolution
 Letter from OCOF August 7 2012
St. Charles Resolution Alpha En Partage
12-84 Resolution
12-83 Resolution
12-82 Resolution
12-81 Resolution
12-80 Resolution
12-76 Resolution
12-75 Resolution
12-74 Resolution
12-73 Resolution
MMAH Deep Core Housing Information 
12-66 Resolution
12-62 Resolution
12-61 Resolution
12-60 Resolution
12-58 Resolution
12-57 Resolution
12-56 Resolution
Resolution 13106 Town of Gore Bay Social Housing Property
Family Gardening Event May 26, 2012
DSB HR Confidentiality Policy

12-49 Resolution
12-48 Resolution
12-47 Resolution
12-46 Resolution
12-37 Resolution
12-34 Resolution
12-33 Resolution
12-32 Resolution
12-31 Resolution
12-30 Resolution
12-22 Resolution

12-21 Resolution
12-20 Resolution
12-19 Resolution
12-18 Resolution
12-11 Resolution
12-08 Resolution
12-07 Resolution
12-06 Resolution
12-05 Resolution
12-03 Resolution
12-02 Resolution
Emergency Medical Services delivery in Ontario municipalities - OPSEU
NE LHIN Letter of Support Aug 31, 2011
11-95 Resolution

11-98 Resolution
11-86 Resolution 
11-85 Resolution
11-70 Resolution
11-68 Resolution Non-Urgent Business Case to MOHLTC

11-60 Resolution
11-46 Resolution Non Urgent Patient Transfers

11-57 Resolution EMS 5 Year Plan
11-37 Resolution Surplus
11-17 Resolution
11-16 Resolution
11-11 Resolution
11-07 Resolution
10-71 Resolution

10-10 Resolution

10-31 Resolution
10-83 Resolution
10-82 Resolution
10-81 Resolution
10-80 CAO Appointment
10-52 Resolution Surplus 
2010 Surplus Distribution
Patient Transportation Guide to Choosing Appropriate
OHA 2004 Report Non Emergency Ambulance Transfer Issues for Ontario's Hospitals
Auditor General Report
AMEMSEO Presentation at NOSDA Non-Urgent Transportation
NOMA Report August 2010
NOSDA EMS Position Paper August 2010
Ombudsman MTS Announcement
Tina Pittaway Risky Business
IBI Study Non Emergency Inter Facility Patient Transfers
Auditor General Report Followup
SWLHIN Non Urgent Pt Transport Project 30Mar11
NW LHIN Regional Emergency Department Study
CELHIN Presentation Non Urgent Transportation
09-27 Resolution Surplus 
08-28 Resolution Surplus
07-40 Resolution Surplus
06-35 Resolution Surplus    
06-22 Best Start Unconditional Grant
05-49 Resolution Surplus
04-110 Apportionment
04-46 Power Dams and Apportionment
04-36 Resolution Surplus
03-49 Resolution Surplus 
03-24 Apportionment  
02-097 Working Funds Reserve
02-071 Resolution Surplus
01-155 Resolution Surplus
05-83 Camp
Dec 2014 NOSDA Letter to MCSS ADM on SAMSNOSDA Letter to MCSS ADM on SAMS
09-71 PAD Program

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