
Apportionment Formula

The Apportionment Formula used by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB is Weighted Assessment including Payment in Lieu Assessments and Power Dams. The Apportionment Formula has been in place since 2005 after a double majority vote by municipalities in the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB jurisdiction.

2021 Apportionment

2020 Apportionment

2019 Apportionment

2018 Apportionment

2017 Apportionment

2016 Apportionment
2015 Apportionment (Revised)
2014 Apportionment
2013 Apportionment
2012 Apportionment
2011 Apportionment
2010 Apportionment
2009 Apportionment
2008 Apportionment
2007 Apportionment
2006 Apportionment
2005 Apportionment

2001 - 2009 Apportionment History

General Administration Manual



B.1.01       Reports and Minutes
B.1.02       French Language Services Plan
B.1.03       Records Retention and Disposal Policy
B.1.05       Video Surveillance Policy 
B.1.06       Terms of Reference – Senior Management Team 
B.1.07       Terms of Reference - Management Team 
B.1.08       Website Operating Rules


B.2.01       Board Procedural By-Law Revised Effective March 17, 2020
B.2.02       General Meeting 
B.2.03       Honoraria By-Law 
B.2.03.A    Honoraria Expectations
B.2.03.B    Roles of Board Members
B.2.04       Travel By-Law - Revised Effective January 1, 2019
B.2.05       TWOMO Elections 
B.2.06       Computer Policy 
B.2.07       In-Camera Sessions
B.2.08       Board Selection by Area
B.2.09       Code of Conduct
B.2.10       Code of Ethics
B.2.11       Expectations of Board Members
B.2.12       TOR – Program Planning Committee
B.2.13       TOR – Human Resources Committee
B.2.14       TOR – Emergency Planning Committee
B.2.15       TOR – Strategic Planning Committee
B.2.16       TOR – Finance Committee 
B.2.17       TOR – Property Committee
B.2.18       TOR – French Language Services Committee
B.2.19       TOR - Ad-Hoc Board Representation Committee


B.3.01       Annual Budget Guidelines  
B.3.02       Investment Policy 
B.3.03       Financial Approval  Revised Effective Jne 1,  2018
B.3.04       Tangible Capital Assets 
B.3.05       Opening Public and Short-Term Tenders
B.3.06       Tendering Audit Financial Insurance 
B.3.07       Qualified Contractor-Service Provider List
B.3.08       Procurement Policy Revised Effective Feb. 1, 2021
B.3.09       Procurement and Tendering Definitions Revised Effective Feb. 1, 2021
B.3.10       Disposal of Vehicles
B.3.11       Procurement Card Policy
B.3.12       C.A. MacMillan Place
B.3.13       Building Purchasing or Leasing   
B.3.14       Sale of Surplus Buildings and Land 


B.4.01       Emergency Response Plan

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