Provincial Issue Reports

Date General Reports
Oct 2012 Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario
Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario
Améliorer les perspectives: Réforme de l’aide sociale en Ontario    
Sept 2012 Modernizing Child Care in Ontario - Ministry of Education  
Feb. 2012 ROMA/OGRA Conference Feb 28 2012 Northern and Rural Lens
Nov. 2011   The Northern and Rural Lens - ROMA
Nov. 2011 A Voice for Rural and Northern Ontario - ROMA
Mar. 2011   Growth Plan For Northern Ontario
Apr. 2010   Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) Presentation to Ministers
       2009     The Sunshine Law Handbook Open Municipal Meetings in Ontario - Office of the Ontario Ombudsman
Oct. 2009
Oct. 2009 
  Proposed Growth Plan for Northern Ontario - English
Proposed Growth Plan for Northern Ontario - Français
Apr. 2009   Impact of Social Assistance RGI Rent Scales on Social Housing Net Costs
Feb. 2009   Northern Growth Plan--Position Paper from NOSDA
Fall  2008   Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review Report "Facing the Future Together"
May 2008    Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review - Service Delivery Accountability Table Working Paper


Date     Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Nov.  2011    Advanced Life Support Patient Case Standards MOHLTC
July   2010 AMEMSO Presentation to NOSDA - Non-Urgent Patient Transportation Challenges
June  2009  Emergency Health Services: Land and Air Ambulance--Provincial Overview
Sept. 2006 The Future of EMS in Canada


Date          Children's Services - Child Care
May 2011  OMSSA - On the teeter-totter: The challenges and opportunities for licensed child care in rural, northern, and remote Ontario
April 2011     Best Start Child and Family Centres
        2011 Every Child, Every Opportunity - Curriculum and Pedagogy for the Early Learning Program
Nov. 2009 OMSSA Report, "Sustaining the Future: What is at stake for families and children in Ontario"
July  2009 Pascal Report: "With Our Best Future in Mind"
April 2009 Senate Report on Early Learning and Childcare
Mar. 2009 OMSSA Child Care Hand in Hand Report
       1999 Goals of Best Start
       1999 Early Years Study "Reversing the Brain Drain"


Date                Ontario Works (OW) - Income Support
June 2011  
June 2011 Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario 
A Discussion Paper Issues and Ideas
Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) Policy Paper - Climbing the Ladder of self-sufficiency: How Ontario can use local workforce development to transform social assistance, provide economic security, and create community prosperity
Social Assistance Review Advisory Committee (SARAC) Report
Rapport du Conseil Consultatif D'examen de L'Aide Sociale 
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy Annual Update Letter - English
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy Annual Update Letter - Français
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy Full Report - English
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy Full Report - Français
Ontario Works Cost of Administration - Briefing paper
Mar.  2009 "The Real Cost of Helping Clients Pursue ODSP Justice" prepared by the West End Legal Services of           Ottawa
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy - Full Report
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy - le rapport complet
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy - Highlights
Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy - les faits saillants
Jan.   2009 Government Makes a Difference: Working Together Towards Poverty Reduction
Nov.  2007  "Why is it so tough ro get ahead" John Stapleton
May   2006  Modernizing Income Security for Working Age Adults (MISWAA) Report
Sept.  2005  Welfare to Work In Ontario--TD Bank


Date                   Social Housing - Affordable Housing
Nov. 2010 Building Foundations: Building Futures - Ontario's Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy
Bâtir des fondations: bâtir des avenirs - Ontario's Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy
July 2009 Social Housing Renovation & Retrofit Program and Affordable Housing Program Summary
July 2009 Social Housing Renovation & Retrofit Program and Affordable Housing Program Detailed Guidelines
April 2009 Impact of Social Assistance RGI Rent Scales on Social Housing Net Costs
Jan. 2009 Affordable Housing in Perilous Times
Mar. 2009 Where's Home--Rental and Affordability Overview
Nov. 2008 A Housing Benefit for Ontario - One Housing Solution for a Poverty Reduction Strategy
2008 Closing the Gap--Capital Shortfalls in Social Housing
Oct. 2007  $175 Million Municipal Housing Pressure
Sept. 2007  Impact of Social Assistance RGI Rent Scales on Social Housing Net Costs


General Reports

  1.     COVID-19 Vaccination Policy - Issue Report - Nov. 25, 2021
  2.     Little Current Place Non-Profit - Mortgage Renewal - Nov. 23, 2021
  3.     NOSDA AGM - Issue Report - April 22, 2021
  4.    Community Safety Well Being Plan - Issue Report - April 22, 2021
  5.    Power Dam - Issue Report - Jan. 28, 2021
  6.   Ontario Auditor General Report: Ontario Disability Support Program
  7.   Bureau de la vérificatrice générale de l'Ontario Rapport annuel: Programme ontariende soutien aux personnes            handicapées
  8.   Presentation to Espanola Council June 11, 2019
  9.   Presentation Chapleau Council - Non-Urgent Patient Transportation Feb 2018
  10.   Multi-Year Accessibility Report - January 25, 2018
  11.   DSSAB Review Observation Report - January 25, 2018
  12.   347 Second Avenue Construction Completion - Issue Report - January 25, 2018
  13.   347_Tenders_Issue_Report.pdf - September 28, 2017
  14.   CAO Presentation to St.Charles 
  15.   United_Way_211_Presentation.pdf- Jan. 26, 2017
  16.   Ontario 211 Services Annual Report 2015-16  
  17.   CAO Presentation to Espanola Council - March 22, 2016
  18.   DSB Committees - Issue Report - Feb. 25, 2016
  19.   DSB Presentation to SEMA - Jan. 29, 2015
  20.   Board Computer Policy Issue Report - Oct. 22, 2014
  21.   Vendor of Record (VOR) - Issue Report - Oct. 22, 2014
  23.   DSB Presentation to Municipality of St. Charles - Aug. 13, 2014
  24.   DSB Presentation to Township of Chapleau - May 26, 2014
  25.   NOSDA Service System Management Position Paper - Sept. 2013
  26.   NOSDA AGM - 2013 Resolution by Program Area - April 2013 
  27.   2011 Surplus - Issue Report Sept. 2012
  28.   DSB Office Hours - Updated Issue Report - Sept. 2012 
  29.   Impact of Provincial Budget - Issue Report - April 2012
  30.   DSB Office Hours - Issue Report - Sept. 2011
  31.   Strategic Plan Recommendations Summary Report - Updated October 2010
  32.   Strategic Plan Recommendations Summary Report - Updated March 2010
  33.   Strategic Plan Jan 2009 to Dec  2011
  34.   Nutritious Food Basket 2011 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - English
  35.   Nutritious Food Basket 2011 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - Français
  36.   Nutritious Food Basket 2010 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - English
  37.   Nutritious Food Basket 2010 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - Français
  38. Nutritious Food Basket 2009 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - English
  39. Nutritious Food Basket 2009 - Sudbury & District Health Unit - Français
  40. Demographic Chartbook Manitoulin-Sudbury Districts - 1996 to 2006
  41. Emergency Planning and DSBs - Feb. 2010
  42. Finance Workplan related to KPMG Report - Oct. 2009
  43. KPMG Financial Review Final Report - Oct. 2009

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