2019 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted                  Area   Document

Dec. 20, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Muncipal Affairs and Housing

2020-2021 Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Allocation

2020-2021 d'Allocation d'aide au logement Canada-Ontario

Dec. 20, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Memo to DSSAB Board Chairs

MCCSS DSSAB Matters Final Report

Appendices to Final Report

Dec. 16, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy

Dec. 16, 2019 gen2

Workers Safety and Insurance Board

New Rate Structure - Dec. 2019

New Rate Structure - Nov. 2019

Dec. 3, 2019 gen2

Municipality of Killarney

Resolution in support of Kingsville resolution re: Local Health Care Services

Dec. 2, 2019 sh2

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB

Letter to MP Carol Hughes and MPP Michael Mantha re:  DSS

Letter to Minister Hussen from Carol Hughes in support of DSS

Response from Ministerial Correspondence

Letter to Minister Dunlop from Michael Mantha in support of DSS

Letter to MP Marc Serre and MP Paul Lefebvre re:  DSS

Nov. 4, 2019 gen2

Town of Espanola

Correspondence from Town of Espanola re:Power Dam Apportionment 

DSB Response

Nov. 22, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Health

Ontario Health Teams Full Applicaton Form

Nov. 18, 2019 ps2

Ministry of Health

Discussion Papers:

Emergency Health Services Modernization

Public Health Modernization

Nov. 13, 2019 gen2

Ontario Health

LHIN Update

Nov. 7, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ontario Priorities Housing Initiatives Revised Planning Allocation

Oct. 25, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education

Memo: 2019 Annual Report and Licensed Child Care Data

Licensed Child Care Data Profiles

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Profile

Oct. 25, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education

Minister of Education Email to Municipalities & Heads of Council

2020 Budget Schedules and 2020 Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centres Service Management and Funding Guideline

Ontario Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centres Service Management and Funding Guideline 2020

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Allocation Schdule D


Ministre de l'éducation Courriel aux municipalités et aux chefs de conseil

Annexe budgétaire de 2020 et Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants et des Centres pour l’enfant et la famille ON y va de l’Ontario – 2020

Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants et des Centres pour l’enfant et la famille ON y va de l’Ontario - 2020

Manitopulin-Sudbury DSB Calendrier d'allocation

Oct. 17, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative & Ontario Priorities Housnig Initiative Investment Plan approval

Oct. 4, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

AMO Follow Up

Oct. 3, 2019 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Continuation of the Transition Child Benefit

Oct. 1, 2019 cs2

Financial Accountability Office of Ontario

Child Care in Ontario:A Review of Ontario's New Child Care Tax Credit and Implications for Ontario's Labour Force

Bureau de la Responsabilité Financière de l'Ontario

Les Services de Garde D’Efants en Ontario: Examen du Nouveau Crédit D’Impôt et de Son Incidence sure la Main-D’Oeuvre Ontarienne

Sept. 23, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Housing Notifications regulatory changes

Community Safety
Refusal of Offers
Rent Geared to Income (RGI) Simplification
Tenant Transfers

Modifications réglementaires relatives aux notifications de logement social

sécurité communautaire
refus des offres
loyer indexé sur le revenu Simplification
transferts de locataires

Sept 12, 2019 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

2020 Ontario Works Program Delivery Funding Allocation

Sept. 3, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

End of Operating Agreements and Mortgages in Community Housing Memo

Technical Backgrounder

Document d’information technique sur l’expiration des accords d’exploitation et des hypothèques relatifs aux logements communautaires

Expiration des accords d’exploitation et des hypothèques dans le secteur du logement communautaire

Aug. 29, 2019  ow2

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Employment Ontario Prototype Regions Memo

Call for Proposals Q&A

List of Qualified Applicants for Service System Management

Call For Proposals

Aug. 27, 2019 ps2

Ministry of Health

Paramedic Services 2019 Funding

Aug. 27, 2019 gen2


Things you need to know coming from the AMO Conference

Aug. 21, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Letter to Service Managers Update on Homeless Enumeration in 2020

Aug. 19, 2019  ps2

Ministry of Health

Ambulance Service Review Letter

Ambulance Service Review DRAFT Report

Aug. 14, 2019 sh2

Association of Municipalities Ontario

Fixing the Housing Affordability Crisis: Municipal Recommendations for Housing in Ontario

June 27, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Service Level Standard Obligations for Service Managers

June 20, 2019 sh2

North East LHIN

Channelview Neighbourhood Model Update

June 7, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education

2019 Child Care Allocations (revised), Child Care Transfer Payment Agreement Amendments and Updated Funding Guidelines for Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centre Programs

Allocations révisées de 2019 pour la garde d’enfants, modifications apportées à l’entente de paiement de transfert pour 2019 pour les services de garde d’enfants et mises à jour des lignes directrices relatives au financement des services de garde d’enfants et des centres pour l’enfant et la famille ON y va

Ontario Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline 2019

Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants de l’Ontario de 2019

EarlyOn Business Practices and Funding Guideline for Service System Managers

Ligne directrice sur le financement et les pratiques administratives à l’intention des gestionnaires du système de services

May 27, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Letter

CHPI Performance Indicators Reporting Guide

May 27, 2019 gen2

Premier of Ontario

Decision to maintain In year cost sharing adjustments for land ambulance, public health and child care services 

May 14, 2019 ow2

Ministry Children, Community and Social Services

2019 Ontario Works Service Delivery Priorities

May 7, 2019 ps2

Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

2019/20 Budget Allocation - DSB Ambulance Service

2019/20 Budget - Wikwemikong First Nation Ambulance Service

AMO Communications - Another Budget Shoe drops today

April 26, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education

Previously-Approved School-Based Child Care Capital Projects

Projets d'immobilisations pour les services de garde d'enfants en milieu scolaire approuvés antérieurement

April 23, 2019 sh2

Service Canada

New Horizon's Senior Grant 

April 18, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education

2019 Child Care and Early Years Allocations

2019 Allocations pour la garde d’enfants et la petite enfance

April 17, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

2019-20 to 2021-22 Funding Allocations 

Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative & Ontario Priorities Initiative Program Guidelines

Initiative Canada-Ontario de logement communautaire et Initiative liée aux priorités de l'Ontario en matière de logement

April 17, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Community Housing Renewal Strategy

April 16, 2019 gen2

Provincial Budget

AMO’s Deeper Look at the 2019 Provincial Budget

April 11, 2019 gen2

2019 Provincial Budget

News Release 

Budget Document

AMO Summary

OMSSA Summary

April 10, 2019 cs2

Child Care and Early Years 

AMO Submission

OMSSA Submission

OMSSA Executive Summary

Apr. 4, 2019 cs2

Ministry of Education 

Legislative and regulatory updates to the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and the Education Act

Mises à jour législatives et réglementaires de la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d’enfants et la petite enfance et de la Loi sur l’éducation

Apr. 3, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Extension of Timeline for the Five-Year Review of Housing and Homelessness Plans

Apr. 2, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Ontario Bridge Training Program and Global Experience Ontario

Programme de formation relais de l'Ontario et Expérience Globale Ontario

Mar. 26, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

2018/19 Approval Letter, 2018 TWOMO Expenditures

Mar. 19, 2019 gen2

Federal Budget

2019 Federal Budget

Ontario Statement from Minister of Finance

AMO Communication

OMSSA Federal Budget Report

Mar. 19, 2019 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Violence Against Women Survey Memo
Violence Against Women Survey Fact Sheet
Violence Against Women Survey Report

Note de Service sur le sondage aux victimes de violence faite aux femmes
Note de Service sur le sondage aux victimes de violence faite aux femmes
Rapport sur le sondage aux victimes de violence faite aux femmes

Feb. 25, 2019 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Letter from Minister Steve Clark - ROMA Delegation

Feb 13, 2019 gen2

Freelandt Caldwell Reilly LLP

Audit Report Changes - New Standards effective Dec 15, 2018

Feb. 12, 2019 ow2

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Province Helping Job Seekers and Employers Make Ontario Open for Business

Feb. 8, 2019 gen2

Provincial Government Pre-Budget Consultation

AMO Submission

OMSSA Submission 

Feb. 4, 2019 gen2

Government of Ontario

Hallway Health Care: A System Under Strain - 1st Interim Report from the Premier's Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine

Jan. 10, 2019 ow2


Letter to Minister Fullerton: Service System Management


2018 Correspondence

2020/2021 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted                  Area   Document

December 16, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Winter 2021-22 COVID-19: Health, Safety Updates for Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centres

Hiver 2021-2022, COVID-19: mise à jour sur la santé et la sécurité dans le secteur de la garde d'enfants et de la petite enfance

December 2, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

2022 Early Years and Child Care Funding Approach

Modéle de financement pour les services de la garde d'enfants et de la petite enfance pour 2022

December 1, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Canada Recovery Benefit - Outreach Strategy

Questions & Answers

Call Scripts

Prestation canadienne de la relance économique - Stratégie de sensibilisation

Questions et réponses

Texte pour les appels d'InfoCentre

September 29, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Skills Development Fund (Round 2) - Open Application

Fonds pour le développement des compétences (2 cycle) - Ouverture du processus de demandes

September 13, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Services Transformation - Update on Provincial Roll Out

Renouvellement des services d'emploi - Mise à jour sur le déploiement provincial

September 23, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Mandatory Immunization Disclosure Policy - Rapid Antigen Testing Updates - Extension of Pharmacy Access

Politique en matière de divulgation relative à la vaccination contre la COVID-19 obligatoire - Mises à jour sur les tests de dépistage rapide antigénique - Prolongation de l'accèss en pharmacie

Immunization Disclosure Policy - Educational Session

Politique en matière de divulgation du statut de vaccination contre la COVID-19 - Séance d'information

Immunization Disclosure Policy - Testing Requirements

Politique en matière de divulgation du statut de vaccination contre la COVID-19 - Exigences concernant le dépistage

Mandatory Immunization Disclosure Policy - Rapid Antigen Testing Updates

Politique de divulgation obligatoire du statut de vaccination - Mise à jour sur le test antigénique rapide

August 30, 2021 ps2


Letter to Minister Elliot: Ambulance Suppliers

August 30, 2021 ps2

Ontario Association Paramedic Chiefs

Policy Framework on the Future of paramedicine in Ontario: Charting a new course for paramedic services to do more for healthcare

Exectutive Summary

August 23, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

2022-23 Planned Funding Allocations for Provincially Delivered Housing and Homelessness Prevention Programs

Allocations de fonds prévues pour 2022-23 pour les programmes provinciaux de logement et do prévention de l'iitinérance

August 18, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

COVID-19: Immunization Disclosure Policy and Testing Requirements

COVID-19: Politique de divulgation de l'immunisation et exigences concernant le dépistage

August 16, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Fund Phase 4 Allocation

Allocation phase 4 du fonds de secours pour les services sociaux

SSRF Phase 4 Guidelines

August 5, 2021 ow2


Letter to Minister Fullerton: Social Assistance Recovery and Renewal

August 3, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Memo: Updates to Health and Safety Guidance

Note de service: Mises à jour des documents d'orientation en matière de santé et de sécurité

Operational Guidance for Child Care During COVID-19 Outbreak

Directives opérationnelles relatives aux services de garde d'enfants durant l'éclosion de la COVID-19

EarlyON Child and Family Centres Operational Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak

Centres pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va Directives opérationnelles durant l'éclosion de la COVID-19

Before and After School Programs Kindergarten-Grade 6 Policies and Guidelines for School Boards for the 2021-2022 School Year

Prgrammes avant et après l'école de la maternelle à la 6 année politiques et lignes directrices à l'intention des conseils scolaires pour l'année scolaire 2021-2022

July 27, 2021 cs2


Letter to Minister Lecce: Child Care and Early Years Funding

July 19, 2021 ps2

Ministry of Health

50/50 Land Ambulance Services Grant for 2021

June 28, 2021 ps2


Letter to Ministers Elliott and Phillips: OAPC Joint Community Paramedicine Policy Framework

June 24, 2021 sh2


Letter to Solicitor General and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing: Correctional Discharges into Housing

June 15, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municpal Affairs and Housing

Provncial homelessness enumeration requirements for 2021

Exigences liées au dénombrement des personnes sans abri en 2021

June 11, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Employment Services Transformation - Provincial Rollout

Supplemental Questions and Answers

Transformation des services d'emploi - Mise en oeuvre à l'échelle provinciale

Questions et résponses supplémentaires

June 10, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Services Transformation - Provincial Rollout

General Questions and Answers

Renouvellement des services d'emploi - Lancement à l'échelle provinciale

Liste générale: Questions et réponses

June 8, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Updates to the School and Child Care Sreener and Ministry of Health Guidance to Public Health Units

COVID-19 school and child care screening

COVID-19 screening tool for employees and essential visitors in schools and child care settings

Mises à jour de l'outil de dépistage en milieu scolaire et directives du ministère de la Santé adressées aux bureaux de santé publique

Outil de dépistage de la COVID-19 pour les élèves et les enfants allant à l'école ou dans un service de garde d'enfants

Outil de dépistage de la COVID-19 pour les employés et les visiteurs essentiels dans les écoles et les services de garde d'enfants

June 2, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Financial Flexibility to Support Early Years and Child Care

Flexibilité financière pour soutenir le secteur de la petite enfance et de la garde d'enfants

June 2, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Child Care Updates

Mises à jour sur les services de garde d'enfants

May 14, 2021 ow2

Association of Municipalities Ontario

Briefing Note: Social Assistance: Change to the Municipal Delivery Role

May 7, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

2021-22 Investment Plan Approval for the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative

2021-22 Confirmed Allocation and Planned Financial Commitment Approval for COCHI and OPHI

May 6, 2021 sh2

Northeastern Manitoulin & The Islands

Land Donation 

April 27, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

COVID-19 Vaccine Update - Access for Child Care Workers

Mise à jour sur la vaccination contre la COVID-19 - Accès pour les travaillieurs de la garde d'enfants

April 15, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Time-Limited Public Health Actions - Schools and Child Care

Mesures de santé publique à durée limitée - Ecoles et services de garde d'enfants

Individuals Eligible for Emergency Child Care

Particuliers admissibles aux services de garde d'urgence

April 15, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Enabling a new vision for Ontario's Social Assistance System

Proposed Ontario Works Act Amendments

Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Ontario Work Act, 1997 Q&A

April 13, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Declaration of Provincial Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and Amendments to the Reopening Ontario Act

Déclaration de situation d'urgence provinciale faite en vertu de la Loi sur la protection civile et la gestion des situations d'urgence et modifications de la Loi de 2020 sur la réouverture de l'Ontario

Ministry of Solicitor General: Declaration of Provinical Emergency General Information

April 9, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Guidance Material for Service Managers and Housing Providers

COVID-19 Questions and Answers for Community Housing Providers

COVID-19 Foire aux questions pour le fournisseur de logements communautaires

April 7, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Province-Wide Stay-at-Home Order and Health and Safety Refresher

Décret ordonnant de rester à domicile et mise à point sur les règles de santé et sécurité

Mar. 30, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

2021 Allowable Market Rent Tables for Affordable Housing Programs

Tableaux des loyers du marché admissibles 2021 pour les programmes de logement abordable

Mar. 29, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Investment Plan Approval for the Social Services Relief Fund Phase 3 Funding

Mar. 19, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ontario By-Name List Approach and Homeless Enumeration in 2021

Approche pour des listes nominatives de personnes sans abri en Ontario et le dénambrement de ces personnes en 2021

Ministerial Directive to Service Managers 

Service Manager Guidelines 

Lignes directrices du gestionnaire des services

Mar. 17, 2021 gen2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing/Ministry of the Solicitor General

Capacity Limit Changes for Some Events in Grey-Lockdown, Phase 1 COVID Vaccination Plan for Frontline Emergency Personnel & new COVID Board Testing Orders

Nouvelles limites de capacité pour certains événements dans les zones grises (confinement), phase 1 du plan de vaccination contre la COVID-19 touchant le personnel d'urgence de première ligne et nouveaux décrets relatifs au dépistage de la COVID-19 aux frontières

New COVID Border Testing Orders under the Quarantine Act

Resource Document for Pease Officer Assisting under the Quarantine Act

Mar. 10, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Fund Phase 3 Allocation

SSRF Phase 3 Guidelines

Mar. 5, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Prioritization of Education and Child Care Workers - Phase Two: COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Plan

Etablissement des priorités pour les travailleurs des secteurs de l'éducation et de la garde d'enfants - Deuxième phase: Plan de distribution des vaccins contre la COVID-19

Mar. 4, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Infection, Prevention and Control (IPAC) Practices in Emergency Homeless Shelters

Pratiques de prévention et de contrôle des infections dans les refuges d'urgence pour les personnes sans abri

Feb. 26, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Regulatory Amendments under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Modifications réglementaires en vertu de la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d'enfants et la petite enfances

Feb. 18, 2021 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Homelessness Enumeration 

Implementation of By-Name Lists and Enumeration

Feb. 17, 2021 ps2

Ministry of Long-Term Care

Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Funding Letter

Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care: Framework for Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

Feb. 11, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

March Break 

le congé de mars

Feb. 11, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

A New Provincial-Municipal Vision for Social Assistance

A working vision for social assistance

Questions and Answers

Feb. 5, 2021  sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Funding for Mental Health and Addictions Funding

Investment Plan Approval for Mental Health and Addictions Funding

SSRF Additional Mental Health and Addictions Funding

Investment Plan Approval for Additional Mental Health and Addicitions Funding

Feb. 3, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education 

Memo to CMSMs and DSSABs: Child Care Update

Note de service aux GSMR CADSS: mises à jour services de garde d'enfants

Memo to Operators: Child Care Update

Note de service aux titulaires de permis: mises à jour services de garde d'enfants

Feb. 2, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Provincial Child Care and Early Years Funding Re-Investment January to March 2021

Réinvestissement provincial dans le secteur de la petite enfance et de la garde d'enfants de janvier à mars 2021

Jan. 29, 2021 gen2

Town of Espanola

Board Response to Town of Espanola

Letter from Town of Espanola - Power Dam Grant

Town of Espanola District Social Services Board Apportionment Review: Treatment of Power Dam Grant Revenue

Jan. 28, 2021 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Services Transformation - Integration Phase

Transformation des services d'Emploi Ontario - Phase de prestation

Jan.19, 2021 ps2

Ministry of Health

One-Time Funding 2020 COVID-19 Response

One-Time Funding 2019-20 and 2020-21 COVID-19 Response

Jan. 12, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Child Care Updates - January 28, 2021

Mise à jour - Services de gard d'enfants - January 28, 2021

Child Care Updates

Mise à jour - Services de garde d'enfants

Jan. 8, 2021 cs2

Ministry of Education

Extension of Emergency Child Care

Extension des services de garde d'urgence

Dec. 24, 2020 gen2

Solicitor General

Community Safety and Well-being Plan deadline July 1, 2021

Dec. 23, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Temporary Pausing Intake of New Applications to the Canada-Ontario Benefit Housing Benefit Program

Dec. 22, 2020 gen2

COVID-19 Provincewide Shutdown starting Saturday, December 26, 2020, at 12:01 a.m

DSB Press Release 

Provincial Information Document

COVID-19 fermeture à l’échelle de la province dès le samedi 26 décembre 2020 à 0 h 1.


Document d’information provincial

Dec 21, 20202 cs2

Ministry of Education

Child Care Impacts of Time-Limited Public Health Actions
Operational Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak
List of Eligible Workers

Impacts des mesures de santé publique à durée limitée sur la garde d'enfants
Directives opérationnelles durant l’éclosion COVID-19
Liste de travailleurs admissibles

Dec. 18, 2020 gen2

Town of Espanola

Letter from Town of Espanola - Power Dam Grant

Town of Espanola District Social Services Board Apportionment Review: Treatment of Power Dam Grant Revenue

Dec. 16, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Announcement: Release of Building a Strong Foundation for Success: Reducting Poverty in Ontario (2020-2025)

Etablir une basse solide pour la réussite: Réduire la pauvreté en Ontario

Annonce le lancement de la stratégie Etablir une basse solide pour la réussite: Réduire la pauvreté en Ontario (2020-2025)

Etablir une basse solide pour la réussite: Réduire la pauvreté en Ontario


Dec. 15, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

SSRF Phase 2 Additional Funding

Financement supplémentaire de la phase 2 de la SSRF

Dec. 11, 2020 ps2

North East LHIN

One-Time Community Paramedicine Funding

Nov. 27, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Long-Term Care

Invitation to express interest in Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care

Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care: Framework for Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

Nov. 27, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

2021 Transfer Payment Agreement Schedules B-F and 2021 Child Care and EarlyON Child and Family Centres Service Management and Funding Guideline

2021 Child Care Funding Approach

Modèle de financement des services de garde pour 2021

Nov. 18, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Updates to Operational Guidance for EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Operational Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak: EarlyON Re-Opening

Mise à jour des directives opérationnelles pour les centres pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va

Directives opérationnelles durant l'éclosion de COVID-19: Réouverture des centres ON y va

Nov. 16, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Group Sponsorship Grant

Subvention de parrainage collectif

Nov. 13, 2020 sh2

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Rapid Housing Initiative

Nov. 13, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ontario Priorities Housing Initiatives Revised Planning Allocation

Nov. 6, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Updates to Child Care Operational Guidance

Mise à jour des directives opérationnelles pour les services de garde d'enfants

Operational Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak V.4

Directives opérationnelles durant l'éclosion de COVID-19 V.4

Before and After School Programs Kindergarten - Grade 6

Programmes avant et après l'école de la maternelle à la 6 année

Nov. 6, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Second Career Redesign

Reconception de Deuxième carrière

Nov. 5, 2020 sh2

Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board

Letter to Minister Clark: Provincial Policy Change to Freeze Rent 

Minister Clark Response

Township of Billings Resolution in Support of MSDSB's Request for Funding to Offset Revenue Losses Due to Rent Freeze

Oct. 26, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Fund - Phase 2: Service Manager Business Case Approval

Fonds de secours pour les services sociaux - Phase 2: Approbation de l'analyse de rentablilté d'un gestionnaire de services

Oct. 20, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Wikwemikoong 2020-21 Funding

Oct. 20, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Additional Base Funding for Land Ambulances for TWOMO

Oct. 8, 2020 gen2

Solicitor General

Letter to Bracebridge Mayor Smith re: Inmates being released from provincial custory into homelessness.

Oct. 5, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility

Notification of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Compliance Reporting Deadline Extension

Avis de report de la date limite de dépôt du rapport deconformité en vertue de la Loi de 2005 sur l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario 

Oct. 2, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education 

Memo: 2020 Licensed Child Care Data Profiles

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Child Care Data Profiles

Provincial Licensed Child Care Data Profiles 

Oct. 2, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education - Early Years and Child Care Division

Report on the Review of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, Consultation on Proposed Regulatroy Amendments, and Early Years and Child Care Annual Report

Rapport sur l'examen de la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d'enfants et la petite enfance, consultations sur les modifications réglementaires proposées et Rapport annual sur la petite enfance et la garde d'enfants, 2020

Oct 1, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health

COVID-19 Screening Tool for Children in School and Child Care

Outil de dépistage de la COVID-19 pour les enfants qui fréquentent les écoles et les services de garde d’enfants

Sept. 30, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Memo: Social Assistance Recovery and Renewal Update

Social Assistance COVID-19 Recovery Plan: Centralized and Automated Intake

Social Assistance Recovery Placemat

Stakeholder Q&A

Memo: Centralized Intake Prototypes

Sept. 21, 2020 gen2

Ontario Association of Police Services Board

OPP Detachment Board Composition

AMO Letter to FONOM: Feedback on AMO OPP Detachment Board Discussion Paper

Sept. 11, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Public Reporting of Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Licensed Child Care

Déclaration publique des cas conirmés de COVID-19 dans les prgrammes de garde d'enfants agréés

Sept. 10, 2020 gen2

Town of Espanola

DSB Property Queensway/Mead Sewer Capacity Study

Sept. 10, 2020 gen2

Vulnerable Persons Regisrty

Letter to Municipalities

Sept. 1, 2020 cs2

Niagara Region

Resolution to Premier Ford re: Child Care

August 28, 2020 cs2

Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO)

Letter to Minister Lecce: Mandated Review of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2004

August 24, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

SkillsAdvance Ontario (SAO) Phase 1 Evaluation Report

Final Report

Compétences+ Ontario (C+O) Rapport d'évaluation de la phase 1

Rapport Final

August 13, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Operational Guidance for September for Child Care and Early Years Program

Directives opérationnelles pour les programmes pour la garde d'enfants et la petite enfance en septembre

Face Covering Procurement and Delivery to Child Care and Early Years Programs

Acquisition de couvre-visages et distribution aux services de garde d'enfants et aux programmes de la petite enfants

Federal Safe Restart Funding - September Reopening Plan

Financement fédéral en vertu du Cadre de relance sécuritaire - Plan de réouverture de septembre

Before and After School Programs for the 2020-21 School Year

Programmes avant et après l'école pour l'année scolaire 2020-2021

August 12, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Fund

August 10, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Revised 2020 Land Ambulance Service Grant Funding

August 4, 2020 gen2

North East Local Health Integration Network

Neighborhoud Model of Care Update

July 22, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Muncipal Affairs and Housing

Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020

Overview of Legislative Changes for Community Housing

Loi de 2020 visant la protection des locataires et le renforcement du logement communautaire

Aperçu des modifications législatives pour le logement communautaire

June 22, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Ontario Recovery Planning

Planification de la reprise par Emploi Ontario

June 16, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Pandemic Pay

Ministers Letter - DSB Paramedic Service

Ministers Letter  - Wiikwemkoong Paramedic Service

Pandemic Pay Guidance Document

Pandemic Pay Guidelines Appendix A

Pandemic Pay Payroll Guide

Pandemic Pay Question & Answer Document

June 16, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Canada‐Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB)

Average Market Rent Approval

June 13, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Minister Lecce Letter to Parents 

June 12, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Child Care and Early Years Programs Re-Opening Update

Mise à jour sur la réouverture des programmes pour la petite enfance et la garde d'enfants

Child Care Sector Funding – Reopening Plan

Funding Guidance During COVID-19 Pandemic Child Care Reopening Ontario

Financement du secteur de la garde d’enfants – Plan de réouverture

Guide en matière de financement pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Réouverture des services de garde

June 9, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Pandemic Pay Memo

Pandemic Pay Order in Council

Pandemic Pay Eligibility

June 9, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Revised Operations Guidance for Child Care Program Memo

Revised Operating Guidance During COVID-19

Révision des directives opérationnelles visant les services de garde d'enfants

Révision directives opérationnelles durant l'éclosion de COVID-19

Child Care Re-Opening Memo

Operating Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak Child Care Re-Opening

Directives sur la réouverture des services de garde d’enfants

Directives opérationnelles durant l’éclosion de COVID-19 Réouverture des services de garde d’enfants

June 6, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Extension of Emergency Orders to June 19, 2020

Prolongation des décrets d'urgance 19 juin 2020

Extension of Emergency Orders to June 9, 2020

Prolongation des décrets d'urgance 9 juin 2020

Extension of Emergency Orders to May 29, 2020

Prolongation des décrets d'urgence 29 mai 2020

Extension of Emergency Orders to May 19, 2020

Prolongation des décrets d'urgence 19 mai 2020

Extension of Emergency Orders to May 6, 2020

Prolongation des décrets d'urgence 6 mai 2020

Extension of Emergency and Ministerial Orders to Apr. 23, 2020

Prolongation de l'urgence et arrêtés ministériels 23 Avril 2020

Extension of Emergency and Ministerial Orders to Apr. 13, 2020

Prolongation de l'urgence et arrêtés ministériels 13 Avril 2020

June 3, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Services Support Visit Feedback

May 27, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Pandemic Pay Eligibility

May 26, 2020 cs2


Letter to Minister Lecce: COVID-19 Interim Funding and Operating Policies for EarlyON and Child Care

Mantioulin-Sudbury DSB Letter to Minister Lecce in support of NOSDA Letter

Municipality of Killarney Resolution of Support

Township of Chapleau Resolution of Support

Township of Billings Resolution of Support

Township of Nairn and Hyman

May 19, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

In-demand Jobs: Helping People Find Work in a Changing Job Market

Emplois dans les secteurs à forte demande: aider les gens à trouver du travail dans un marché de l'emploi en évolution

May 13, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Ontario Works Financial Flexibility Measures

Financial Flexibility Measures Q & A

Mesures d'assouplissement financier dans le cadre du programme Ontario au travail

Financement de la prestation du programme Ontario au travail Q & A

May 11, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Child Care & EarlyON Sector Funding - COVID Outbreak

Financement du secteur de la garde d'enfants et des centres ON y va - Epidémie de COVID-19

Child Care Funding Sector Funding - COVID Outbreak

Financement des services de garde d'enfants durant l'épidémie de COVID-19

May 4, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municpal Affairs and Housing

Rent-Geared-to-Income Calculations Durng COVID-19

Calcul du loyer indexé sur le revenu pendant la COVID-19

May 1, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Health

COVID-19 Testing in Long-Term Care and Licensed Child Care Centres

April 29, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Emergency Child Care - Second Expansion of Eligibility

Garde d’enfants d’urgence – Deuxième expansion de l’admissibilité

April 27, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Pandemic Pay for Frontline Workers

Complément salarial temporaire lié à la pandémie

April 22, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Summary of Federal & Provincial COVID-19 Programs

Résumé des programmes fédéraux et provinciaux COVID-19

April 17, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

ADM Memo

Emergency Order - Work Redeployment and Staffing

April 17, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Emergency Child Care – Expansion of Eligibility

Garde d’enfants d’urgence – Expansion de l’admissibilité

April 17, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Ontario Regulation 257/00 Amendments under the Ambulance Act:Reducing Barriers to Ensure Sufficient Ambulance ServicePersonnel During Provincial Declarations of Emergency 

April 14, 2020


Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

2020-21 CHPI Investment Plan Approval

April 10, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Parent Fees and Funding Support for the Child Care Sector

Frais exigés des parents et soutien financier pour le secteur de la garde d'enfants

April 6, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

2018-2019 Year End Reports - Wikwemkoong Paramedic Services

Approved Budget

April 1, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municpal Affairs and Housing

Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) Allocation Letter

SSRF Questions and Answers

Mar. 30, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Letter from Minister McNaughton

Mar. 31, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

New Ontario Works COVID-19 Emergency Benefit

Mar. 30, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Employment Services Transformaiton - Timeline Update in Prototype Areas

Mar. 29, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Health

COVID-19 Guidance: Emergency Childcare Centres

Mar. 26, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

COVID-19 Response

Mesures prises relativement à la COVID-19 

Mar. 25, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Enhanced Discretionary Benefits 

Mar. 24, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Completion of 5-Year Housing and Homelessness Review

Mar. 23, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Social Services Relief Funding

Mar. 22, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Province Takes Steps to Ensure Frontline Staff Can Continue to Work

Le gouvernement prend des mesures pour permettre aux travailleurs de première ligne de continuer à travailler

Mar. 21, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Emergency Child Care

Garde d’enfants d’urgence

Mar. 20, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Update on Employment Ontario Allocations for 2020-21

Le point sur les affectations d'Emploi Ontario pour 2020-21

Mar. 17, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Social Assistance COVID-19 Early Measures

Mar. 13, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

Child Care Memo: Closure of all publicly funded schools

Mar. 12, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municpal Affairs and Housing

Memo: Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020

Letter to DSSAB's

Mar. 12, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Discussion Guide: Improving Supportive Housing and Community Housing

Guide de discussion: Amélioration des systèmes de logement avec services de soutien et de logement communautaire

Mar. 3, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Education

DSB Letter to Minister Lecce re: Child Care Funding

DSB Letter to Member Municipalities

Municipality of Killarney Resolution of Support

Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Resolution of Support

Municipality of Central Manitoulin Resolution of Support

Township of Burpee and Mills Resolution of Support

Mar. 3, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Families, Children and Social Development/Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

DSB Letter to Minister Duclos re: Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit

DSB Letter to Ministrer Clark re: Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit

DSB Letter to Member Municipalities

Municipality of Killarney Resolution of Support

Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Resolution of Support

Municipality of Central Manitoulin Resolution of Support

Township of Burpee and Mills Resolution of Support

Mar. 3, 2020 ps2

Minisrty of Health

DSB Letter to Minister Elliott re: Integrated Emergency Dispatch Service re: Integrated Emergency Dispatch Service

DSB Letter to Member Municipalities

Municipality of Killarney Resolution of Support

Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Resolution of Support

Municipality of Central Manitoulin Resolution of Support

Township of Burpee and Mills Resolution of Support

Mar. 2, 2020 ps2

Ministry of Health

Land Ambulance Services Grant Adjustmen

2019-20 approved funding for Wiikwemkoong  

Mar. 2, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

ADM Letter Homelessness Enumeration

Feb. 28, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Provincial Policy Statement Stakeholder Decision Letter

Provincial Policy Statement

Feb. 26, 2020 gen2

Ministry of Education

Memo: Ontario Child Tax Credit

Note de service: Crédit d'impôt de l'Ontario pour la garde d'enfants

About the Ontario Child Care Tax Credit/Rendre les services de garde d'enfants plus abordables

Feb. 14, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Memo: Employment Services Transformation - Service System Manager Selection

Announcement of Service System Managers Questions and Answers

Note: Transformation des services d'emploi - Sélection de gestionnaires de système de services

Annonce de la mise en place de gestionnaires de système de services questions et réponses d'ordre généralAnnonce de la mise en place de gestionnaires de système de services questions et réponses d'ordre général

Feb. 12, 2020 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Program Guidelines

Allocation Canada-Ontario pour le logement Lingnes directrices du programmeAllocation Canada-Ontario pour le logement Lingnes directrices du programme

Jan. 30, 2020 gen2

ROMA Conference Delegations Thank You Letters

Minister McNaughton

Minister Clark

Minister Scott and Parliamentary Assistant Crawford

Jan. 30, 2020 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy - Poverty Survey

Stratégie ontarienne de réduction de la pauvreté - Sondage Pauvreté

Jan. 24, 2020 ps2

Premier's Office

Letter to Premier Ford: Cuts to Local Health Care Services

Premier Response

Jan. 23, 2020 ps2

City of Greater Sudbury

Letter to Minister Elliott from Mayor Bigger

Request for Decision - Integrated Dispatch Emergency Medical Services and Police Services

Business Care: Feasibility Study for an Integrated Emergency Communication (Dispatch) Service System

Jan 15, 2020 cs2

Ministry of Eductaion

Licensed Child Care During a Labour Disruption

Services de garde agréés pendant une interruption de travail

 Jan. 10, 2020 ow2 

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

2020 Ontario Works Service Delivery Priorities

 Jan 8, 2020 gen2

Municipality of Killarney

Resolution 20-004


2019 Correspondence


2015 Agenda & Minutes

Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board 


        Draft Agenda        

2015 Minutes 

January 22, 2015 Agenda             Minutes             
February 26, 2015
Agenda             Minutes 
March 26, 2015  Agenda   Minutes 
April 23, 2015 Agenda Minutes
May 28, 2015  Agenda Minutes 
June 25, 2015 
Agenda  Minutes 
September 24, 2015  Agenda Minutes
October 22, 2015 Agenda Minutes
November 26, 2015 
Agenda Minutes
December 10, 2015 Agenda Minutes

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