2013 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted- Area Document
Dec. 20, 2013 CS

Ministry of Education2014 Child Care and Family Support Program Service Agreements Ententes de services de 2014 pour les programmes de garde d’enfants et de soutien à la famille Ontario Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline 2014 Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants de l’Ontario 2014

Dec. 19, 2013  GEN

Sudbury & District Health Unit

2013 Nutritious Food Basket

Dec 17, 2013 SH

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Minister's Response to DSB 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Plan  

Dec. 16, 2013 OW

Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA)

Minister of Training Colleges and Universities Response to NOSDA on Service System Management Position Paper

NOSDA Service System Management Position Paper

Dec. 16, 2013 OW

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Labour Market Agreement - Letter from Assistant Deputy Minister 

Marche du travail - lettre Sous-ministre adjoint

Dec 12, 2013 OW

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Federal-Provincial Labour Market Agreement Letter

Marche du travail - Federal-Provincial lettre Ministre 

Dec. 12, 2013 SH

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

New Reporting Requirements - Annual Housing and Homelessness Plan Public Reporting Effective January 1, 2014

Dec. 11, 2013 OW

Federal-Provincial Negotiations on the Labour Market Agreement (LMA)

Dec. 5, 2013 CS

Ministry of EducationChild Care Modernization ActLa modernisation des services de grande d'enfants

Nov. 28, 2013  OW

Ministry of Children & Youth ServicesResolution of support from the Township of Nairn and HymanResolution of support from the Municipality of KillarneyResolution of support from the Township of TehkummahLetter of from Township of Sables Spanish Rivers in suport of DSB resolutionLetter to Hon. Teresa PiruzzaResolution from Markstay Warren regarding Jobs for Youth

Nov. 25, 2013 GEN

Ministry of Community & Social ServicesMinistry of Children & Youth Services    Implementation of the New Regional Boundaries and Directors for the New RegionsMise en place des nouvelles délimitations régionales et les directeurs des nouvelles regions

Nov. 21, 2013 CS

Implementation of the New Regional Boundaries and Directors for the New RegionsMinistry of Education and Ministry of Children & Youth Services

Update on the Transfer of Family Support and Resource Programs from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to the Ministry of Education

Mise a jour sur le transfert des programmes de soutien et de ressources a la famille du ministere des Services a l'enfance et a la jeunesse au ministere de l'Education

Nov. 19, 2013 CS Ministry of Education2014 Child Care AllocationAllocation des fonds pour la garde d'enfants en 2014
Oct. 30, 2013  CS Ministry of Education Early Years DivisionChild Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation DayJournée d'appréciation des éducatrices et éducateurs des services d'apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants 
Oct. 28, 2013 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Term CareTWOMO Funding  TWOMO Funding
Oct. 8, 2013 GEN The Northern Ontario Large Urban Municipalities Linking Municipalities and the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario
Sept. 30, 2013 OW Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) 2014-15 Planning Allocation
Sept. 27, 2013 OW Ministry of Training, Collges, and Universities       Employment Service Performance Management MeasuresServices d'emploi gestion du rendement
Sept. 6, 2013 CS Ministry of Children & Youth Services  Community Integration Leader Project
August 27, 2013 OW Chapleau Learning Centre   Response from Minister Brad DuguidResolution from Killarney in support of DSB ResolutionLetter to Minister Brad Duguid: Loss of Funding for Chapleau Learning Centre   Resolution from Tehkummah in support of DSB ResolutionLetter to Hon. Brad Duguid from Nairn Hyman in support of DSB Resolution
June 28, 2013 CS Ministry of EducationReview of the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007Discussion Paper Examen de la Loi de 2007 sur les éducatrices et les éducateurs de la petite enfanceDocument de travail 
June 19, 2013 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Term CareEMS Funding Letter 
June 13, 2013 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & HousingMinister's response to NOSDANOSDA letter to Minister Deep Core Housing Need 
June 7, 2013 CS Ministry of EducationUpdate on Child Care Transformation Funding and Capacity Building Funding Reporting RequirementsMise à jour sur le financement pour appuyer la transformation des services de garde et les exigences de rapport liées au financement du renforcement de l’expertise
June 6, 2013 CS Ministry of Education

Clarification regarding Early Years Strategy – School Board Early Years Leadership Positions
June 5, 2013 CS Ministry of Education

Early Years Strategy – School Board Early Years Leadership Positions

Stratégie en faveur de la petite enfance – Postes de leaders de la petite enfance au sein des conseils scolaires
June 5, 2013 GEN Ministry of Community & Social Services
Ministry of Children & Youth Services

New Regional Structure

Nouvelle structure régionale
June 3, 2013 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

2013 Ontario Budget: Social Services Solutions Modernization Project (SSMP) Impacts
May 22, 2013 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

2013 Ontario Budget - Municipal Cost Impact
May 16, 2013 OW Employment Ontario

Letter from Assistant Deputy Minister - 2013 Provincial Budget

Lettre Sous-ministre adjoint - Le budget de Ontario 2013
May 14, 2013 EMS North East - Local Health Integration Network

NE LHIN Drives Work on Non-Urgent Patient Transportation
May 13, 2013 EMS Heart & Stroke Foundation

Ontario Defibrillator Access Initiative - Second Call for Proposals

Ontario Defibrillator Access Initiative Toolkit
May 2, 2013 GEN Provincial Government

2013 Provincial Budget   / Budget de L'Ontario 2013

News Release  / Nouvelles 

AMO Breaking News - Provincial Budget

OMSSA Quick Connect - 2013 Provincial Budget

MCSS - Directive Related to Provincial Budget     
Apr. 30, 2013  GEN Letter to Premier

NODSA AGM Resolutions 
Apr. 30, 2013  GEN Letter to Premier

Response from Kathleen Wynne

Town of Espanola Apportionment Letter

Municipality of Central Manitoulin - Resolution
Apr. 29, 2013 CS Ministry of Education

Standing and Recreational Bodies of Water in Licensed Private-Home Day Care and Best Practices for Water Safety in All Regulated Child Care Settings

Les plans d’eau stagnante et les plans d’eau utilisés à des fins récréatives dans les garderies en résidence privée agréées et les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité aquatique à appliquer dans tous les services de garde agréés
Apr. 3, 2013 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

Ontario Works Transition Funding
Mar. 25, 2013 CS Ministry of Education

Licensed Child Care Questionnaire 2012 Results

Résultats du questionnaire à l’intention des exploitants de services de garde d’enfants agréés – 2012
Mar. 21, 2013   Government of Canada

2013 Budget in Brief

2013 Budget en bref
2013 Budget - Full document (442 pages)   

2013 Plan budgétaire - Document entier (493 pages)

AMO Breaking News - The Federal Budget

OMSSA Analysis of Federal Budget 
Mar. 18, 2013   Ministry of Health & Long Term Care

Notice of Ambulance Service Review   
Mar. 12, 2013   Ministry of Education

ELCC4: Memo:Updated 2013 Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline

ELCC4: Ligne directrice mise à jour sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants de 2013/Questions et réponses

Ontario Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline Revised March 2013

Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants de l’Ontario - Mars 2013

2013 Child Care Funding Formula and Framework Qs & As March 2013

Formule et cadre de financement des services de garde d’enfants de 2013 Questions et réponses -Mars 2013
Mar. 6, 2013   Ministry of Community & Social Services

Social Assistance Management System (SAMS)

Parallel Pilot Site Selection 
Mar. 5, 2013 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Term Care

Non-Urgent Patient Transfers

Letter from the Minister of Health to DSB Chair 
Feb. 5, 2013   Manitoulin-Sudbury Best Start Network

Response from Dalton McGuinty
MPP Kathleen Wynne - Response to Best Start Network

Letter to Premier McGuinty
Jan. 23, 2013   Ministry of Education

Letter from the Minister - Ontario Early Years
Ontario Early Years Policy Framework   
Lettre de la Ministre - Ontario sur la petite enfrance
Cadre strategique de l'Ontario sur la petite enfrance 
Jan. 18, 2013   Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Investment in Affordable Housing Program   

Additional Funding Allocation - Ontario Renovates
Jan. 8, 2013    Ministry of Health & Long Term Care

Living Longer, Living Well Report  - Seniors Strategy

Vivre bien et plus longtemps rapport - Stratégie pour le bien-être des personnes âgées
Jan. 8, 2013   Net Reduction in Annualized Funding

Response from Premier

Letter to Premier
Jan. 4, 2013 OW Alpha En Partage de Sudbury Est
Response from Ministry of Colleges Training & Universities
Letter to Minister Glen Murray: Loss of Funding for Alpha En Partage     


Previous Years Correspondence


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