2012 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted- Area Document
Dec. 28, 2012 EMS North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN)

Non-Urgent Inter-facility Patient Transportation Pilot Project Expression of Interest

NE LHIN - Letter to Chapleau Health Services
NE-LHIN - Letter to Espanola Regional Hospital & Health Centre 
Dec. 28, 2012 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Term Care

Wikwemikong First Nation Land Ambulance Base Funding
Dec. 27, 2012 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

One-time Grant Funding to Support the Transition to the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI)
Dec. 19, 2012 CS Manitoulin-Sudbury Best Start Network

Letter to Premier McGuinty
Dec. 18, 2012 CS Ministry of Education

Transitioning to Ontario’s New Child Care Funding Formula and Funding Framework

Transition vers la nouvelle formule et le nouveau cadre de financement pour les services de garde d’enfants de l’Ontario

AMO Breaking News - Ontario's New Child Care Framework and Funding Formula

OMSSA Information Alert - Child Care Funding
Dec 10, 2012 OW Social Planning Council of Sudbury

Letter  to Community Leaders in the City of Greater Sudbury

The Impact of the Impending Cuts to Community Start Up and Maintenance Benefit (CSUMB) Funding 
Nov. 21, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Guidelines
Nov. 8, 2012 CS Ministry of Education 

Schools-First Child Care Capital Retrofit Policy - Funding and Implementation 

Politique « Les écoles d’abord » concernant les fonds d’immobilisations destinés à l’aménagement des locaux pour la garde d’enfants – Financement et mise en oeuvre
Nov. 8, 2012 SH Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI)

Reply from Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing- Nov 8, 2012

Reply from Premier: Reinvestment of savings into the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative Oct. 29, 2012

Letter to Premier: Reinvestment of savings into the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative Oct. 3, 2012
Nov. 5, 2012  OW Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU)

Assistant Deputy Minister letter to Employment Ontario Partners   

Assistant Deputy Minister letter to Employment Ontario Partners FR
Nov. 2, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH)

MMAH approval letter for Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB - Nov 2, 2102

Funding Allocation for the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative- Social Housing Asset Management - Aug. 17, 2012
Nov. 2, 2012 OW Alpha En Partage de Sudbury Est

Letter to Minister Glen Murray: Loss of Funding for Alpha En Partage      

Response from the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers - Loss of Funding for Alpha En Partage 
Nov. 2, 2012 CS Modernization of Child Care Discussion Paper

Letter to Minister Laurel Broten: Modernization of Child Care Discussion Paper    
Oct. 27, 2012 SH Housing Services Corporation & Ontario Municipal Knowledge Network

Social Housing End Dates in Ontario
Oct. 25, 2012 CS Best Start Hubs - Sacret Heart School Espanola

Minister of Children & Youth Services Response Oct. 25, 2012

Response from the Minister of Education - Best Start Hub at Sacret Heart School in Espanola - Sept. 28, 2012

Reply from Premier - Aug 3, 2012
Capital funds to include Hubs at Sacred Heart School - July 17, 2012
Oct. 24, 2012 OW Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario

Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario

Améliorer les perspectives: Réforme de l’aide sociale en Ontario 

MCSS: Statement by Minister Milloy on Social Assistance Review 

AMO Breaking News: Social Assistance Review
OMSSA Quick Connect: Final Report from the Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario
Oct. 3, 2012 CS Ministry of Children & Youth Services

Community Action Research Project Approval Letter

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Best Start Network & City of Greater Sudbury Best Start Network - Community Action Research Project Expression of Interest  
Sept. 27, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) - Approval Letter

Sept. 25, 2012 CS Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA)

OMSSA Response to Modernizing Child Care in Ontario
Sept. 20, 2012 CS Northern Ontario Service Delivers Association (NOSDA)

NOSDA Feedback on the Modernizing Child Care in Ontario Discussion Paper
Aug. 27, 2012 CS Ministry of Children and Youth Services

Best Start Planning Allocations 2012-13
Aug. 21, 2012 GEN AMO Conference

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Delegation with Michael Coe, Senior
Policy Advisor to the Minister of Health & Long Term Care
NOSDA Delegation to Minister Milloy (MCSS)

Nipissing DSSAB Delegation to  Minister Milloy (MCSS)
Aug. 15, 2012 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Term Care

2012 Territories Without Municipal Organization (TWOMO) Funding Letter 
Aug. 14, 2012 CS Reply from Premier

Letter to Premier
Capital funds to include Best Start Hub at Sacred Heart School in Espanola
July 24, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) - Letter
July 17, 2012  OW  Pilot Launch Memo to EO Network English Version

Projets pilotes de planification communautaire
July 11, 2012 OW Alpha en Partage de Sudbury Est

Municipality of French River Letter to Cambrian College

July 10, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - Investment in Affordable Housing Program

Minister Wynne's reply to NOSDA July 10, 2012

NOSDA Letter to Minister Wynne  April 17,2012
July 10, 2012 CS Ministry of Education

New 2012 Child Care Funding for Transition Operating and Capital, Health and Safety Minor Capital, and Capacity Funding to Support Transformation

Nouveau financement 2012 de services de garde d’enfants : Fonds de transition pour le fonctionnement et les immobilisations, immobilisations mineures pour la santé et la sécurité, et financement de capacité pour appuyer la transformation
July 10, 2012 CS  Ministry of Education

Schools-First Child Care Capital Retrofit Policy

Politique « Les écoles d’abord » concernant les fonds d’immobilisations destinés à l’aménagement des locaux pour la garde d’enfants
June 29, 2012 OW Durham Region Resolution - Cap on Ontario Works Discretionary Benefits 
June 28, 2012 SH West End Manitoulin Seniors and Support Services Interest Group

Business Plan for Affordable Seniors Housing in Gore Bay
June 27, 2012 CS Ministry of Education 

Modernizing Child Care in Ontario / Modernisation des services de garde en Ontario

Letter from Minister Broten / Lettre de la Ministre Broten 
News Release /  Communiqué de presse
Backgrounder / Document D'Information
Discussion Paper / Document de travail
June 26, 2012 OW  Letter from MPP John Vanthof - Support on behalf of ALPHA en Partage de Sudbury Est. Incorporated. 
June 22, 2012 EMS  Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - EMS Funding
June 12, 2012 GEN   A note from Louise Paquette, CEO, North East LHIN - Operational Plan 2012-2013

Une note de Louise Paquette, directrice générale, RLISS du Nord-Est - Plan Opérationnel 2012-2013

2012 Report to Our Communities - Making Healthy Change Happen in Northeastern Ontario

Rapport à nos communautés 2012 - Des changements sains pour le Nord-Est de l'Ontario   
June 11, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Redeveloping Social Housing

Social Housing Redevelopment: A Provincial Guide and Perspective 

Réaménager Les Logements Sociaux En Ontario: le guide et la perspective provinciale
June 4, 2012 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

Revision of the Cost Sharing Formula for Ontario Works Non-Health and Health-Related Discretionary Benefits
May 8, 2012 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

Exploring Opportunities for Integration of Employment Services
April 26, 2012 SH Investment in Affordable Housing

Maison Boreal Home Inc. Letter
Maison Boreal Home Inc. Business Plan

Letters of Support:
Township of Chapleau 
Brunsick House First Nation
Chapleau Ojibwe First Nation
Chapleau Cree First Nation 
April 25, 2012 OW Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Employment Ontario - Integration of Training & Employment Services

April 23, 2012 GEN Provincial Budget 

Latest News on the Budget Deal

April 20, 2012 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

2012 Provincial Budget – Additional Information re Implications for Social Assistance Benefits

2012 Provincial Budget - Implications for Social Assistance
April 19, 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Federal Funding for Social Housing 2013-2017
Mar. 29, 2012 GEN 2012 Federal Budget

Federal Budget Plan

Federal Budget Brief

AMO Breaking News

OMSSA Quick Connect      
Mar. 27, 2012 GEN 2012 Provincial Budget

Ministry of Finance -  2012 Budget

AMO Breaking News

OMSSA Quick Connect 

MFOA Budget Update
Mar. 27 2012 OW Ministry of Community & Social Services

2012 Provincial Budget - Implications for Social Assistance 
Mar. 27 2012 SH Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing

Dr. Albert Rose Bursary Fund - Discontinued effective March 31, 2012
Mar. 21, 2012  GEN  Rural Ontario Municipal Association northern & Rural Lens

DSB Letter & Resolution to the Premier of Ontario requesting support for the use of the Northern & Rural Lens 

Reply from the Premier
Mar. 19, 2012 GEN 2012-13 Provincial Budget

AMO Pre-Budget Submission
Mar. 14, 2012 OW Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario

Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA) response to the commission:

NOSDA Letter

NOSDA Response to Commission 

OMSSA Response to Commission 

AMO Response to Commission
Mar. 9, 2012 GEN Town of Espanola - Community Improvement Plan

DSB Letter of Support 
Mar. 1, 2012 GEN Rural Ontario Municipal Association/Ontario Good Roads Association Conference

DSSAB's Unite to Advocate for Northwestern Ontario
Feb. 29, 2012 EMS Non-Urgent Patient Transfer Base Case to MOHLTC

DSB Response to Minister of Health & Long Term Care - Feb. 29, 2012 

Response from Minister of Health & Long Term Care - Jan. 23, 2012
Feb. 29, 2012 SH Investment in Affordable Housing

DSB Letter & Resolution to the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing supporting the Town of Espanola Non-Profit Housing Corporation

DSB letter & Resolution to the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing supporting the French River Health & Housing Co-operative
Feb. 27, 2012 GEN Joint Letter by Kenora, Rainy River & Thunder Bay DSSAB's

Letter to Minister of Finance re: OMPF 
Feb. 24, 2012 CS Ministry of Education

Interim Policy Regarding Capital Funding to Replace Child Care Spaces in Replacement Schools

Politique provisoire relative au financement d'immobilisations en vue de remplacer les places de garde d'enfants dans les écoles de remplacement
Feb. 23, 2012 GEN DSB Board Representation

DSB Response to Municipality of Killarney  

Killarney Resolution 12-71 Board Representation

SEMA Resolution Equal Representation on DSB

St. Charles Letter and Resolution - May 15, 2012

Feb. 15, 2012  GEN   Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Services

Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence - Executive Summary

Des Services Publics Pour la Population Ontarienne: Cap Sur la Viabilité et L'Excellence - Résumé

Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Services

Commission de Réforme des Services Publics de L'Ontario

AMO Press Release - Drummond Report

AMO - Drummond Recommendations that may have a municipal impact or interest:  An Inventory

Feb. 3, 2012 OW Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario

Discussion paper 2: Approaches for Reform
Document de discussion 2: Methodes de reforme

What We Heard: A summary of discussions on social assistance
Ce que nous avons entendu: Sommaire des discussions sur le sytème d'aide sociale

OMSSA Quick Connect - Review of Social Assistance

Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario - Issue Report Feb. 2012
Feb. 3, 2012  GEN  Sudbury & District Health Unit

Reply from the Premier

Letter & Resolution to the Premier supporting the
Nutritious Food Basket Limited Incomes: A Recipe for Hunger
Jan. 31, 2012 SH Investment in Affordable Housing Program (IAH)

MMAH, Ministers reply to the DSB's request for a meeting
Jan. 12, 2012 CS Our Children Our Future

Letter to regarding Celebrating Families Event 
Jan. 10, 2012 SH Rainy River DSSAB

Letter & Resolution to Premier on Funding for Social Housing
Jan. 1, 2012 SH Investment in Affordable Housing Program (IAH)

DSB Letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing requesting a meeting to discuss IAH funding Dec 1, 2011

Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers - Letter of Support April 12, 2012

Municipality of French River - Letter of Support Jan. 20, 2012

Township of Nairn & Hyman - Letter of Support Jan. 20, 2012

Municipality of Killarney - Letter of Support Dec 21, 2011

Town of Espanola - Letter of Support Dec 19, 2011 

Township of Billings - Letter of Support Dec 20, 2011

Township of Chapleau - Letter of Support Dec 19, 2011

Municipality of Central Manitoulin - Letter of Support Dec 16, 2011

Municipality of St. Charles - Letter of Support Dec 13, 2011

Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands - Letter of Support Dec 7, 2011


Previous Years Correspondence 


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