2016 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted                  Area   Document

Dec 16, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Building a Better Future: A Discussion Paper for Transforming Early Years and Child Care in Ontario
Dec 16, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Housing

Notice to update the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Program Guidelines
Dec 12, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Housing

Ministerial Consents

Guide for Service Manager Consents

Questions & Answers 

Nov. 19, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Patients First: Expanding Medical Responses Discussion Paper

AMO Members' Update Patients First

Nov. 18, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Housing

Ontario Competitive Financing Renewal Process
Nov. 18, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Act, the City of Toronto Act and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Ontario to Modernize Municipal Legislation

AMO New Legislative Changes Introduced that have Direct Impact for Municipal Governments

Nov. 17, 2016 gen2 Sudbury & District Health Unit Nutritious Food Basket 2016

SDHU Letter to the Premier

2016 Nutritious Food Basket Scenarios

Scénarios du Panier à provisions nutritif 
Nov. 16, 2016 gen2 Northern Policy Institute (NPI)

Governance in Northern Ontario: Taking Ownership of the Future

NPI Response Letter - Nov. 16, 2016

NOSDA Letter to NPI - Oct. 24, 2016

Nov. 16, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Finance

Building Ontario up for Everyone:  2016 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review

AMO Highlights of 2016 Economic Review

Nov. 3, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Promoting Well-Being in Ontario's Education System:  Engagement Paper

Well-Being in Our Schools, Strength in our Society

Promouvoir le bein-être dans le système d'éducation de l'Ontario:  document d'engagement collectif

Le bien-être dans nos écoles fait la force de notre société
Nov. 3, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education - Early Years Division

The Journey Together - Next Steps on Ontario's Early Years Initiatives

Cheminer ensemble - Prochaines étapes des initiatives pour la petite enfance de l'Ontario

Nov. 2, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Housing

Letter from Michael Mantha MPP in regards to MOH Funding

Letter from Minister Ballard RE:  2019-20 Community Homelessness Preventian Initiative (CHPI) Funding

CHPI 2017-18 and 2018-19 Allocations

Nov. 1, 2016 gen2 Federal Ministert of Finance

Fall Economic Statement - A Transformational Infrastructure Plan

Oct. 21, 2016 sh2 National Housing Strategy

AMO National Housing Strategy Submission

NOSDA National Housing Strategy Submission

Oct. 20, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Additional Land Ambulance TWOMO Funding 
Oct. 4, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres - Service Planning Investment for 2017

2017 Service Planning Allocations

Centres de l'Ontario pour la petite enfance et la famille - Investissements 2017 en matière de planification des services

Allocations dans le cadre de l'investissement pour la planification des services 2017 

Sept. 26, 2016 gen2 North East LHIN

Media Release - NE LHIN Launches Health and Housing Strategy

Innovative Housing with Health Supports in Northeastern Ontario - Strategic Plan: 2016-2019
Sept. 22, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Letter to Early Years Partners

Lettre aux partenaires du secteur de la petite enfance

Sept.13, 2016 gen2 Government of Ontario 

AMO - Speech from Throne Emphasizes Action on Electricity Costs

OMSSA - Government Reset with Speech from the Throne Includes Promise of 100,000 Child Care Spaces
Aug. 30, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Community and Social Services

District Social Services Board (DSSAB) Act Review

NOSDA Memo to DSSAB Chairs - DSSAB Act Review

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Resolution - DSSAB Act Review
Aug. 29, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education - Early learning

Child Care Licensee Memo

Joint Statement on Sleep Safe

Child Care Licensing Manual

Guide sur la délivrance des permis des centres de garde d’enfants

Aug. 18, 2016 gen2  Community Hubs

Memo from Ministry of Education

Release of One-Year Implementation update on Community Hubs in Ontario: A Strategic Framework and Action Plan 

Aug. 17, 2016 gen2 North East LHIN

Non-Urgent Patient Transportation Model Update
Aug. 12, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Memo: Response Time Standard Information Posted on Website

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Response Time Standard 2015 Results

July 25, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education - Early Years Division

Memo - Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres - Planning Guidelines, Data Package and Early Literacy Specialists

OEYCFC Planning Guidelines

Lignes directrices pour les COPEF

Data Analysis Service Expectations

Services d'analyses des donnees

July 20, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Ministry Name Change and Highly Skilled Workforce Report

Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Formation professionnelle
July 13, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI) - Call for Research Proposals

le Centre ontarien innovation-emploi (COIE) - appel de propositions de recherche

July 7, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

2016 Base Funding Minister's Letter

2016 Base Funding Assistant Deputy Minister Letter

July 7, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Ontario's Early Years Initiatives

Commission de vérité et réconciliation - Les initiatives pour la petite enfance de l'Ontario

July 5, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

New Phase 2 Resources and Child Care Wait List Fees Regulatory Registry Consultation

Nouvelles resources de la deuxième e sèrie de règlements et Document de consultation sure les frais d'inscription aux listes d'attente des services de grade d'enfants, affichè au Registre de la réglementaion

July 4, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Housing

Policy Statement: Service Manager Housing and Homelessness Plans

Déclaration de principes: Gestionnaires de services Plans de logement et de lutte contre l’itinérance
June 27, 2016 gen2 NOSDA 2016 AGM

Letter to Premier  Wynne Regarding NOSDA 2016 AGM Resolutions

Township of Nairn and Hyman Resolution in Support of NOSDA 2016 AGM Resolutions
June 24, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Community & Social Services

Ontario Moving Forward with Basic Income Pilot

June 22, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Funding Letter - Social Infrastructure Fund (SIF) and Investment in Affordable Housing

2016 Social Infrastructure Fund (SIF) ADM Letter

June 9, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Letter to AMO

AMO letter to MMAH on Housing Act Regulatory Changes - May 25, 2016

June 6, 2016 sh2 Social Housing Notifications

MMAH Letter to Service Managers

Subject – Regulatory Amendments under the Housing Services Act, 2011,
the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and
Amendments to the Housing Policy Statement

activités relatives au logement social

Objet : Modifications à des règlements pris en application de la Loi de 2011
sur les services de logement, de la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités et de
la Loi de 2006 sur la cité de Toronto, et modifications à la Déclaration de
principes sur le logement

June 3, 2016 gen2 Northern Policy Institute

Getting the Small Things Right: How data suppression and provincial reporting distort Northern realities

June 2, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Ontario Introduces Legislation to Further Improve Patient Access and Experience - Patients First Act Would Deliver on Action Plan for Health Care

May 30, 2016 gen2 Province of Ontario

The Journey Together: Ontario’s Commitment to Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples 



Cheminer ensemble : l’engagement de l’Ontario envers la réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones



May 30, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Congratulatory Letter from Michael Mantha MPP

Community Paramedicine Funding

May 26, 2016 ps2 Paramedic Week

DSB Chair letter to Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedics

May 20, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Community & Social Services

Release of the 2016-17 Ontario Works Budget Packages

May 19, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education Early Years Division

2015 Licensed Child Care Survery Report

Rapport sur le sondage de 2015 visant les exploitants d'un service de garde d'enfants agréé
May 18, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

30 Day Notification - Ambulance Service Review

May 17, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Youth Job Connection (YJC) Service Delivery Compliance

May 17, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education 

Consultation Regarding Child Care Waitlist Fees

Consultation sur le frais d'inscription aux listes d'attente des services de garde d'enfants

Regulatory Registry Consultation Document Regarding Child Care Waitlist Fees

Document de consultation sur les frais d’inscription aux listes d’attente des services de garde d’enfants, affiché au Registre de la réglementation

May 9, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Implementation of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 Phase Two Regulations - Memo

Tiered Licensing

Mise en oeuvre de la phase 2 des règlements relatifs à la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d'enfants et la petite enfance - Note de service

Approche Par Paliers
May 6, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education Initiatives to Support Community Hubs in Schools

Initiatives du ministère de l’Éducation visant à appuyer les carrefours communautaires dans les écoles
May 4, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Ontario's Well-Being Strategy for Education - Memo

Ontario's Well-Being Strategy for Education - Discussion Document

Ontario's Well-Being Strategy for Education - Fact Sheet for Parents

Stratégie ontarienne pour le bien-être en milieu scolaire - Note de service

Stratégie ontarienne pour le bien-être en milieu scolaire - document de discussion

Stratégie ontarienne pour le bien-être en milieu scolaire - Fiche de renseignements à l'intention des parents
April 25, 2016 gen2 Northern Ontario Deliverers Association

Letter to the Chairs and Boards of NOSDA Member Organizations
April 20, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Letter from Deputy Minister regarding the MSDSB's commitment to Community Paramedicine
April 14, 2016 gen2 Ontario Trillium Foundation

Ontario Launches Second Round of Local Poverty Reduction Fund
April 11, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Data Analysis Coordinator Funding Transfer to CMSMs and DSSABs

Transfert du financement des coordonnateurs de l'analyse des données
April 5, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy Update

Social Housing Modernization: Technical Document
April 4, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy Update

Survivors of Domestic Violence - Portable Housing Benefit Pilot

Expression of Interest

April 4, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Youth Job Link Program

March 22, 2016 gen2 2016 Federal Budget

AMO 2016 Federal Budget

OMSSA 2016 Federal Budget 

MFOA 2016 Federal Budget

March 15, 2016 ps2 Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - Emergency Health Services Branch

90 Day Notification - Ambulance Service Review

Team Checklist & Self Assessment & Resource Tool

Mar. 14, 2016 sh2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

MMAH News Release - Ontario Transforming Housing and Homelessness System

AMO - Updated Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy

OMSSA - Province Announces Update to Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy
Feb. 25, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Finance

2016 Ontario Budget

AMO - Provincial Budget

OMSSA - Provincial Budget
Feb. 22, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education - Early Years Division

Ontario Early Years and Family Centres

Centres de l'Ontario pour la petitie enfance et al famille

Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres - A Public Plan

Centres de l'Ontario pour la petit enfance et la famille - Un plan public

AMO - Transformation of Child and Family Services

OMSSA - Province Introduces Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres
Feb. 22, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universitites

Assistant Deputy Minister, David Fulford, Letter to Employment Ontario Network Regarding Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI)

Assistant Deputy Minister, David Fulford, Letter to Employment Ontario Network Regarding Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI) - French Version
Feb. 18, 2016 gen2 Ministry of Labour

Ontario to introduce Legislation to Support First Responders with PTSD - News Release

Supporting Ontario's First Repsonders Act PTSD

AMO-Presumptive PTSD Legislation Introduced
Feb. 12, 2016 sh2 Green Investment Fund

News Release

Social Housing Apartment Retrofit Program

Social Housing Electricity Efficiency Program
Feb. 12, 2016 gen2 Federal Government 

Doubling the Canada Summer Jobs Program
Feb. 4, 2016 ow2 Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities

Youth Job Link Program - Funding Letter

Feb. 1, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education Early Years Division

Memo - Phase 2 Regulatory Registry Posting

Regulatory Registry Consultation Document Regarding the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and the Education Act

Note de service 2e série Avis du Registre de la réglementation

Document de consultation du Registre de la réglementation sur la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d'enfants et la petite enfance et la Loi sur l'éducation
Jan. 27, 2016 sh2 North East LHIN

Focuses on Northerners’ Housing Needs:Call for Experts to Join a Regional Panel to Develop a Northeastern Ontario Housing Strategy

Jan. 21, 2016 gen2 AMO Policy Update

Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Honourable Amarjeet Sohi Speech to Toronto Region Board of Trade Speech

Jan. 19, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

2016 - Ontario Child Care and Family Support Program Service Management and Funding Guideline 

2016 - Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d’enfants et des programmes de soutien à la famille de l’Ontario

Jan. 13, 2016 cs2 Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education Response

NOSDA Letter to Ministry of Education Re: Early Development Instrument Results
 Jan. 6, 2016  gen2

Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA)

Meeting with Minister Gravelle

Building Social Capacity in the North

Multi-Modal Transportation Study and Social Infrastructure




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