2010 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted Area Document
Dec 16, 2010 CS Ministry of Education to allow School Boards the flexibility to enter into agreements with third-party operators to provide before- and/or after-school programs at school sites.
Regulatory Amendments for Full-Day Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten and Extended Day Programs
Modifications à la réglementation concernant le programme Maternelle et jardin d'enfants à temps plein et le Programme de jour prolongé
Dec 9, 2010 GEN Association of Municipalities (AMO) and the Province of Ontario
Joint Annual Memorandum of Understanding Statement
Dec 3, 2010 GEN Changes to the District Social Services Administration Board Act
Section 4 of Ontario Regulation 278/98 has been amended to allow a DSSAB to appoint a TWOMO representative in situations where no representative has been elected
Nov 30, 2010 OW Ontario Launches Comprehensive Social Assistance Review
News Release
Vision, Mandate, Scope and Outcomes
Terms of Reference

Report of the Ontario Social Assistance Review Advisory Council May 2010
Nov 30, 2010 SH Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Get Started with DMHC's Seed Funding
Nov 29, 2010 SH Ontario's Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy
Building Foundations: Building Futures
Bâtir des fondations: bâtir des avenirs
Nov 18, 2010 CS Ontario Early Years Centre North Inc. (OEYCN)
Amalgamation with Child Care Resources
Nov 18, 2010 GEN Sudbury & District Health Unit
Letter to the Premier
Nutritious Food Basket - The Cost of Eating in the Sudbury and Manitoulin Districts 2010
Le panier à provisions nutritif - Le coût de l'alimentation dans les districts de Sudbury et de Manitoulin 2010
Nov 16, 2010 CS Ministry of Education: New School Construction
Letter to Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board - Sacred Heart School Espanola
Nov 1, 2010 EMS Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA)
Letter to Ombudsman - Review of Non-Urgent Patient Transfers in Ontario
Presentation to Ministers Aug 16, 2010 see page 5 EMS Non-Urgent Patient Transfers
Nov 1, 2010 SH Capital Funding for Social Housing Projects
Letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Board Resolution
Building Condition Assessment - Summary Report
Oct 13, 2010 EMS TWOMO Funding & 50/50 Funding Adjustment
Oct 8, 2010 EMS EMS TWOMO Funding Increase
Oct 5, 2010 CS Early Learning Memorandum 11: Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten – Planning for 2012-13 (Year 3)
EL11 : Programme d'apprentissage à temps plein de la maternelle et du jardin d'enfants – Planification pour 2012-2013 (3e année de mise en œuvre)
Oct 1, 2010 GEN DSB Board Chair Term of Office
Sept. 30, 2010 GEN WSIB Rate Change 2011
Sept. 21, 2010 EMS Ministry of Health & Long Tern Care (MOHLTC) letter to AMO - EMS Response Time Standards Extension to 2013
Sept. 14, 2010 SH Funding Allocation for the Short-Term Rent Support Program
Sept. 14, 2010 SH Town of Espanola Resolution
Sept. 10, 2010 SH Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Response to NOSDA AGM Resolution - Social Housing Rate & Utility Scale
Sept. 9, 2010 SH Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Response to NOSDA AGM Resolution - Request to include the District of Parry Sound in the Northern Component of the Affordable Housing Program
Aug. 18, 2010 OW MCSS Ontario Works Service Plan Approval
Aug. 9, 2010 SH Renewable Energy Initiative Approval - Social Housing Renovation & Retrofit Program (SHRRP)
June 25, 2010 CS District of Sault Ste Marie SSAB Re Child Care Stabilization Funding
June 25, 2010 SH MMAH re Social Housing Renovation & Retrofit Program (SHRRP)
June 23, 2010 CS MCYS re Implementing Early Learning in Ontario
June 22, 2010 CS Administration of Fee Subsidy for the Extended Day Component of Full Day Kindergarten:
- Full Day Kindergarten Day Fee Subsidy Guideline 2010-2011
Administration des places subventionnées du volet des programmes de jour prolongé de la maternelle et du jardin d'enfants à temps plein:
- Lignes directrices sur les places subventionnées des programmes de jour prolongé du Maternelle et jardin d'enfants à temps plein 2010-2011
June 21,2010 GEN MCSS Response to NOSDA AGM Resolutions
June 21, 2010 CS Ministry of Education Funding Announcement -Early Learning Program (ELP) Extended Day Fee Subsidy
June 16, 2010 CS Reply from MCYS re Resolution on Child Care Stabilization Funding
June 16, 2010 CS AB Ellis Public School re Proposed Infant Program
June 14, 2010 CS MCYS re Proposed Infant Program - AB Ellis Site, Espanola
June 10, 2010 CS Full Day Kindergarten 2011-12 (Phase 2) Site Selection Confirmation
Programme de maternelle et de jardin d'enfants à temps plein 2011-2012 (phase 2) Confirmation de la sélection des écoles
June 10, 2010 OW Social Assistance Review Advisory Committee (SARAC) Report
Social Assistance Review Advisory Committee (SARAC) Report - Executive Summary
Rapport du Conseil Consultatif D'examen de L'Aide Sociale
Rapport du Conseil Consultatif D'examen de L'Aide Sociale - Sommaire
June 7, 2010 CS Regulations and Guidelines for Full Day Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten and Extended Bay Programs
Règlements et directives concernant la maternelle et le jardin d'enfants à temps plein et les programmes de jour prolongé
June 7, 2010 GEN Official Name Change to Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board
May 7, 2010 CS MCSS re Public Sector Compensation Restraint to Protect Public Services Act, 2010
Loi de 2010 sur les mesures de restriction de la rémunération dans le secteur public visant à protéger les services publics
May 6, 2010 CS Services for Students w Special Education Needs and the Early Learning Program in Year One, 2010-11
Services pour les élèves inscrits au programme d'apprentissage des jeunes enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux ou ayant des besoins d'éducation particuliers en 2010-2011
May 5, 2010 CS Legislative Changes Under Bill 242
Modifications législatives en vertu du projet de loi 242
April 30, 2010 CS MCYS Letter re Child Care Licensing
Lettre du MSEJ sujet Délivrance des permis pour les services de garde d'enfants
April 27, 2010 CS Child Care Program - Stabilization Funding
April 27, 2010 CS Joint Letter - Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MYCS)
Child Care transferred from MCYS to MOE
La garde d'enfants passera de MCYS au MOE
April 27, 2010 CS OMSSA Quick Connect
Early learning and child care aligned with Ministry of Education
April 27, 2010 EMS Public Sector Compensation Restraint to Protect Public Services Act, 2010
April 23, 2010 OW Durham Region Resolution re Special Diet
April 22, 2010 CS Child Care Funding Letter - $381,360 in funding will be reinstated
April 16, 2010 GEN 2010 TWOMO Elections Memo
2010 TWOMO Elections Resource Guide
Guide de ressources élections dans les territoires non érigés en municipalité 2010
April 16, 2010 CS The Full-Day Early Learning Letter
Draft Kindergarten Program
Programme d'apprentissage de la maternelle et du jardin d'enfants (version provisoire)
April 14, 2010 EMS Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) 50-50 Land Ambulance Funding Letter
April 9, 2010 CS Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) Letter - 63.5 Million Child Care Funding
April 8, 2010 CS 2010 Provincial Budget Announcement - 63.5 Million Child Care Funding
Mar. 30, 2010 OW Memo regarding Strategies to Address Workload Pressures Due to Increased Service Demands
Mar. 25, 2010 OW Ontario Works Incentive Funding Reply from MCSS
(DSB Letter re OW Incentive Funding)
Mar. 25, 2010 OW/GEN TWOMO Election Process/OW Food and Shelter Adequacy Reply from MCSS
(DSB TWOMO Election)
(DSB re OW Food and Shelter Adequacy)
Mar. 22, 2010 OW Employment Ontario - Employment Services Network Update
Emploi Ontario - Nouveau réseau de prestation de services d'emploi
Mar. 4, 2010 CS Early Learning Program Planning for Year 2
Programme d'apprentissage des jeunes enfants - planification année 2
Feb. 25, 2010 CS Early Learning Program – Extended Day Component Issue Report
Feb. 25, 2010 SH Social Housing – Water Management Issue Report
Feb. 23, 2010 CS Bill 242 - Full Day Learning Statute
Loi 242 - l'apprentissage des jeunes enfants à temps plein
Feb. 19, 2010 OW Social Services Solutions Modernization Project - Municipal Resources
Feb. 10, 2010 GEN 2010 FONOM Northeastern Municipal Conference
Feb. 9, 2010 GEN MNDM Response re Northern Growth Plan
(NOSDA Letter re Northern Growth Plan December 2009)
Feb. 8, 2010 SH Affordable Housing Program - Northern Repair Component - Additional Funding Confirmation
Feb. 5, 2010 OW Ontario Works CMSM/DSSAB Incentive Funding
Provincial Downloading effective January 2011.
Feb. 3, 2010 CS Early Learning Program - Extended Day Component
Programme d'apprentissage des jeunes enfants - Journée prolongée
Jan. 29, 2010 SH Affordable Housing Program - Home-Ownership Component Extension
Jan. 22, 2010 OW Employment Ontario Letter - Chapleau Employment Resource Centre
Jan. 22, 2010 OW Far Northeast Training Board - Local Plan Progress Report January 2010 - English
Far Northeast Training Board - Local Plan Progress Report January 2010 - Français
Jan. 20, 2010 OW Homelessness Partnering Strategy Overview
Homelessness Partnering Strategy Overview - French
Outreach Communities
Outreach Communities - French
Jan. 19, 2010 GEN MCSS Response re TWOMO Elections
(NOSDA Letter re TWOMO Elections Dec 2009)
Jan. 14, 2010 GEN North East Local Health Integration Network - Retirement of the Planning Area Health System Round Table (HSRT) Structure
Jan. 13, 2010 CS Early Learning Program - Extended Day Component, Letter from Jim Grieve, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education - English
Early Learning Program - Extended Day Component, Letter from Jim Grieve, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education - Français
Jan. 13, 2010 CS Early Learning Program - Site Selection, Letter from Jim Grieve, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education - English
Early Learning Program - Site Selection, Letter from Jim Grieve, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education - Français
Jan. 12, 2010 GEN 2009 Annual Report - Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Full Report - English
2009 Annual Report - Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Full Report - Français
Jan. 11, 2010 GEN Stantec Consulting Ltd. - Highway 6 Rehabilitation

2009 Correspondence

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