2018 Correspondence

Date Rec'd/Posted                  Area   Document

Dec. 27, 2018 gen2

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation

Northern Ontario Internship Funding Approval

Dec. 21, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years & Child Care

Memo: Profile of Families Receiving Fee Subsidies

Ontario Child Care Management System Spreadsheet Generation Instructions

Note de service: Profil des families qui bénéficient de places subventionnées

Production de feuilles de calcul Excel à partir du Système de gestion des services de garde d'enfants de l'Ontario

Dec. 21, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Socvial Services

MCCSS Memo amending DSSAB Act

Dec. 20, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Children, Community and Socvial Services

DSSAB Governace and Accountabilty Review 

Letter from Minister Lisa MacLeod

Final Report 

Dec. 11, 2018 gen2

The Corporation of the Town of Espanola

Appointees to the DSB Board 

Nov. 22, 2018 gen2

Government of Ontario

AMO Policy Update: Government Announces New Social Assistance Reform Plan

Nov. 19, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Letter from Minister Clark: Portable Housing Benefit - Special Priority Policy

Nov. 16, 2018 gen2

Government of Ontario

A Plan for the People: 2018 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review

AMO: Provincial Government Releases Fall Economic Statement

OMSSA: 2018 Ontario Fall Economic Statement Report

MFAO: 2018 Fall Economic Statement

Oct. 31,2018 cs2

Ministry of Eduction Early Years & Child Care Division

2018 Annual Report and Licensed Child Care Data

Rapport annuel et données sur les services de garde agréés 2018

Licensed Child Care Data Profiles

Oct. 31,2018 gen2

Workers Safety & Insurance Board

2019 Premium Rates Backgrounder

Oct. 29, 2018 sh2

National Housing Co-Investment Fund

Letter from Municipality of Assiginack

DSB Support Letter

Oct. 24, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services/Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Connecting Adults with Developmental Disabilities to Housing Support

Oct. 17, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Notice of disclosure of administrative data on social and affordable housing structures to Statistics Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Oct. 5, 2018 ow2

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Direct Improvement

Revised Directed Improvement

Oct. 1, 2018 ow2

Social Assistance Reform

AMO Response on Social Assistance Reform

OMSSA Shares Input on Social Assistance Reform

NOSDA Report on Social Services Reform

A Proposal to be the Service System Managers of the Employment Programs in Northern and Northwestern Ontario District Service Areas

Sept. 26, 2018 gen2

North East LHIN - Non-Urgent Patient Transfer

Cochrane DSSAB Letter to NELHIN

LHIN Response

MSDSB Response to LHIN

Sept. 19, 2018 gen2

French River

Assistance in Emergency Planning for Parry Sound 33 Forest Fire

Sept. 13, 2018 sh2

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Canada Housing Benefit  

Sept. 12,2018 ow2

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Letter from Minister MacLeod Reqeust for Input on 100-Day Reform

DSB Response

Sept. 6, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

National Housing Co-investment Fund Proposal Review Process and Timelines

Aug. 20, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Programs

Update on 2018 Child Care Allocations and Transfer Payment Agreements

Mise à jour sur les allocations pour les services de garde d'enfants et les ententes de services de 2018

Memo to Early Years and Child Care Partners

Note a partenaires de la petite enfance et des services de garde d'enfants 

July 26, 2018 ow2

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Letter to Minister Fullerton  

Response Regarding Service System Manager Model

July 10, 2018 gen2

Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA)

Service System Management in Ontario

Housing & Homelessness Service System Management

July 9, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

MP Carol Hughes Letter to Minister Duclos

Letter to Minister Clark

Minister Clark Response

MP Carol Hughes Response

Nairn Hyman Resolutin of Support

July 9, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division

Implementation of Regulatory Changes under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Mise en oeuvre des changements réglementaires en application de la Loi de 2014 sur la garde d’enfants et la petite enfance

June 26, 2018 ps2

Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

2018-19 Program Budget Increases Letter

June 21,2018 sh2

Municipality of Killarney

Support for Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Resoution - Portable Housing Benefit

June 18, 2018 sh2

Township of Nairn and Hyman

Letter to Minister Duclos - Portable Housing Benefit

June 8, 2018 gen2


Post Election Report

May 29, 2018 sh2

Municipality of French River

Accessibility for Seniors 

May 8, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Programs

Memo: 2018 Final Child Care Allocations and Amending Service Agreement Package

Ontario Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline 2018

Note de service destinataires: Allocations finales de 2018 pour les services de garde d'enfants et trousse d'entente de services modifiée

Ligne directrice sur la gestion et le financement des services de garde d'enfants de l'Ontario de 2018

May 8, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

Base Funding for Licensed Home Child Care Agencies

May 8, 2018 ps2

Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

Land Ambulances Services Grant 50/50 Funding Letter

Territories without Municipal Organization 100% Funding Letter   

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder One-Time Funding Letter

Wikwemikong - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder One-Time Funding Letter

May 3, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

Letter from Minister: Growing Together

Growing Together: Ontario's Early Years and Child Care Workforce Strategy

Lettre de la ministre: Grandir ensemble

Grandir ensemble: La Stratégie ontarienne pour la main-d'oeuvre du secteur de la petite enfance et de la garde d'enfants

Apr. 25, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

Workforce Study for Early Years and Child Care Employees

Etude sur la main-d'rnuvre du secteur de la petite enfance et de la garde d'enfants

Affordable for All - Making Licensed Child Care Affordable in Ontario - Executive Summary

Des Services Abordables Pour Tous : Rendre les Services de Garde Agréés Abordables en Ontario - Rapport Sommaire

Apr. 24, 2018 sh2

Housing Services Corporation

Green Ontario Funding

Apr. 10, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Housing

Memo: Five-Year Review of Housing and Homelessness Plans

Five-Year Review of Housing and Homelessness Plans: A Guide for Ontario Service ManagersFive-Year Review of Housing and Homelessness Plans: A Guide for Ontario Service Managers

Apr. 9, 2018 ow2

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Memo to Employment Ontario Partners: 2018 Provincial Budget

Note de partenaires d'Emploi Ontario: le budget de l'Ontario de 2018

Apr. 4, 2018 gen2

Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board

School Boards to Proceed with Construction of New Catholic Schools in Espanola

Les conseils scolaires iront de l'avant avec la construction de nouvelles écoles catholiques à Espanola

Apr. 3, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

2018 Child Care Amended Agreements and Estimate Reporting

Ententes modifiées sur les services de garde d'enfants et rapport sur les prévisions budgétaires pour 2018

Mar. 29, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Ontario's 2018 Budget - A Plan for Care and Opportunity

Le budget de l'Ontario de 2018 - Lan axé sur le mieux-être et l'avenir

Mar. 28, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

Notification of Posting of Proposal for Regulations under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 on the Regulatory Registry

Avis d'affichage au Reistre de la réglementation de règlements propsés en application de la Loi de 2015 sur la réforme des vérifications de dossiers de police

Mar. 28, 2018 gen2

2018 Provincial Budget

OMSSA Budget Report

AMO Budget Report

Mar. 27, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education

Announcement: Long-term plan to transform the way we deliver child care in Ontario

Announce: Long terme visant à changer profondément la façon dont nous offrons les services de garde en Ontario

Mar. 22, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Community and Social Services

Territories without Municipal Organization Elections Fall 2018

Mar. 19, 2018 gen2

North East LHIN

NE-LHIN Recognizes Donna Stewart as Healthy Change Champion

Le RLISS du Nord-Est salue Donna Stewart, Championne du changement sain

Mar. 16, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Educatoin - Early Years and Child Care Division

Centres of Excellence for Early Years and Child Care - Lead Organizations

Mar. 15, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Infrastructure

AMO News

Canada and Ontario to make significant infrastructure investments

Mar. 15, 2018 gen2

Minister of Seniors Affairs

St. Charles - Ontario Age Friendly Community Recogintion Award

Mar. 14, 2018 ps2

Ministry of Labour

Letter to DSB- WSIB Premiums

Mar. 5, 2018 ow2

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program Changes

Mar. 2, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education - Early Years and Child Care Division

Implementation fo Regulatory Changes under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Mise en oeuvre des changements réglementaires en application de la Loi de 2014 sure la garde d'enfants et la petite enfance

Feb. 27, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Housing

Service Managers Survey

Feb. 20, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education - Early Years and Child Care Division

Letter to Child Care Licensee: Fee Stabilization Support Funding Update

Memo: Fee Stabilization Support Funding Update

Feb. 9, 2018 sh2

Ministry of the Enviroment and Climate Change

Ontario Investing in Energy Efficient Improvements for Social Housing

GreenON Social Housing Program Q&A 

Feb. 7, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Advance Education and Skills Development

Ontario's Apprentiship Strategy

Stratégie ontarienne pour l'apprentissage

Feb. 6, 2018 cs2

Ministry of Education, Early Years & Child Care Division

2017 Licensed Child Care Survey Results

Résultats du sondage de 2017 visant les services de garde d'enfants agréés

Feb. 5, 2018 gen2

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development

Letter from New Minister

Lettre de la nouvelle ministre

Jan. 29, 2018 ps2

Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

Additional Base Funding - TWOMO Ambulance Service

Additional Base Funding - Wikwemikong FN Ambulance Service

Jan. 22, 2018 sh2

Ministry of Housing

Transitional Housing Amendments

Jan. 8, 2018 gen2

Municipality of Killarney

Letter and Resolution Re: Ambulance Station

DSB Response

Jan. 2, 2018 ow2


Press Release: INCOME SECURITY: A Roadmap for Change


2017 Correspondence

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