Public Documents 2019


NOSDA WSIB Letter Oct 11, 2017
NOSDA WSIB Letter June 8 2015 
19-92 Ontario Health Team Application
19-91 Town of Espanola Apportionment
19-90 3rd Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-89 CAO 3rd Quarter Report
19-88 Housing & Homelessness 5 Year Update
19-87 Gore Bay Properties
19-86 Direct Shelter Subsidy
19-85 Social Housing Reorganization
19-84 CAO Contract
19-83 HR Policies
EAST Update October 2018 to September 2019
19-77 SH Regulatory Changes
19-76 Permanent PTS
19-75 2020 Response Time Standard
19-74 Child Care Spaces
19-73 2020 Budget
19-72 Minutes
19-71 Gore Bay Properties
19-70 SH Property Sales
19-65 Wiki Financial
19-64 Child Care Expansion
19-63 2019 2nd Q Financial Report
19-62 2019 2nd Q CAO Report
19-61 Single Family Properties
19-59 Minutes
19-54 NOSDA 2019 Resolutions
19-53 10 Year H&H Update 
19-52 Single Family Property Sales 
NOSDA 2019 Proposed Resolutions
Integrity Commissioner Presentation
19-46 Surplus
19-45 4th Quarter 2018 Audited Financial Report
19-44 2019 Annual Report on Reserves
19-43 2019 1st Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-42 2019 CAO 1st Quarter Report
19-41 Property Sales
19-40 Non-Union Increase
19-38 CUPE CA
19-34 Audited Financial Statement
Homeless Inforgraphic
Channelview Neighbourhood Model
Paramedic Week
19-46 2018 Surplus Resolution
19-24 Response Time Standard
19-23 Deployment Plan Update
19-22 Service System Management
19-21 2018 4th Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
19-20 2018 4th Quarter CAO Report
19-19 Request for Expression of Interest 
19-13 Service System Management
19-12 Communications Officer
19-11 Good Neighbour Program
19-10 Accessibility for Seniors Update
19-09 Revised Homelessness Report
19-08 Signing Authority
19-07 Budget
19-03 2019 Vice Chair
19-02 2019 Chair
Ontario Housing Policy Statement 2011
NOSDA Service System Management Postion Paper 2013
Child Care & Early Years Regulations November 2018
2019 Board Orientation Binder

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