AED Locations

Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Locations:

Operations/Quality Assurance

Paramedic Services is operated by the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board which is responsible for the prehospital care and transportation of the sick and injured within the Districts of Manitoulin and Sudbury excluding the City of Greater Sudbury.

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services responds to over 9,000 calls each year. Our service is dispatched by Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie and Timmins Central Ambulance Communication Centres (CACC) and our coverage area is approximately 42,850 sq. kms in size.

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services operates thirteen frontline ambulances from 12 different EMS base locations.

Our service employs approximately 75 full time Paramedics and 52 part time Paramedics. Our service is organized into South/West and North/East regions containing a total of twelve ambulance bases. The management team includes the Chief of Paramedic Services, Deputy Chief, Commander of Training as well as four Field Superintendent. Each Field Superintendent is responsible for the day to day operations and service delivery within each of our regions. Service delivery and all operations are ultimately the responsibility of the Chief of Paramedic Services who reports to the Chief Administrative Officer of the Board.

Quality Assurance

The goal of the quality assurance program is to improve the health of Paramedic Service patients, increase the quality of Paramedic Services, increase the efficiency of resources, and ensure that Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services provides a MOHLTC standard of patient care.

We do this by maximizing efficiency and effectiveness through constant improvement. Constant improvement is made through quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement.

Quality planning

Quality planning is the initial design of programs based on meeting the needs of patient care. The planning is ongoing and fluid. Currently in place planning geared toward patient care needs involve:
  • Recruitment and hiring program
  • Orientation program
  • Patient care performance review programs
  • Equipment and vehicle maintenance programs
  • Stakeholder planning
  • MOHLTC key patient care performance criteria planning
  • Quality control
Quality control involves monitoring systems and acting on items to ensure patient care levels are met. Examples of quality control involve:
  • Patient care documentation audits
  • Management evaluation of patient care skills
  • Equipment and vehicle maintenance audits
  • Investigations into inquiries, suggestions, and complaints
  • Response time audits

Quality improvement

Quality improvement involves creating new programs to meet unprecedented levels of patient care. This improvement takes place by means of needs analysis and training programs to ensure that the needs of patients in our geographic area are always being studied, evaluated and acted upon.

An effective quality assurance program provides the public with confidence that they are being cared for by the MOHLTC established standard of care, with emphasis on constant improvement in order to meet patient care needs.

Policies and Procedures



DSB Policies and Deployment Plan
G.1.1.2019 Introduction to Policy Manual
G.1.2.2019 Deployment Plan
G.1.3.2019 Mission Vision and Values
G.1.4.2019 Standards Adherence for Vehicle Equipment

Communications Directives
G.2.1.2019 Paramedic and ACO Interaction
G.2.2.2019 Radio Procedures
G.2.3.2019 Notification of Paramedic Superintendent
G.2.4.2019 Communication Dissemination and Unauthorized Recording

Operations Directives
G.3.1.2019 Return to Response Readiness
G.3.2.2019 Vehicle Operation
G.3.3.2019 Absence Notification
G.3.4.2019 STEMI Bypass
G.3.5.2019 Paramedic Code of Conduct
G.3.6.2019 Use of Cannabis By Paramedics
G.3.7.2019 Shift Exchanges
G.3.8.2019 Single Paramedic Response Procedure
G.3.9.2019 Paramedic Uniform Expectations
G.3.10.2019 Hazardous Incident Identification
G.3.11.2019 Remote Technical Rescue
G.3.12.2019 Collision Reporting
G.3.13.2019 Allied Agency Operation of Paramedic Services Vehicles
G.3.14.2019 Disaster Continuity Plan
G.3.15.2019 Tiered Response
G.3.16.2019 Multiple Patient Transport
G.3.17.2019 Transportation of Patient Property
G.3.18.2019 Physicians Orders
G.3.19.2019 Midwives at the Scene
G.3.20.2019 Care and Transportation of Disabled Patients
G.3.21.2019 Patient Access Denied or Delayed
G.3.22.2019 Care Transportation of Psychiatric Patients
G.3.23.2019 Care Transportation of Psychiatric Patients
G.3.24.2019 Victims of Violence
G.3.25.2019 Management of VSA or Deceased Persons

Documentation Directives
G.4.1.2019 ePCR Completion and Distribution
G.4.2.2019 Incident Report or Occurence Report Completion
G.4.3.2019 Confidentiality of Records and Documents

Vehicles Equipment and Facilities

G.5.1.2019 Vehicle Equipment Inspection
G.5.2.2019 Adjunct Maintenance Program
G.5.3.2019 Security and Cleanliness
G.5.4.2019 Use of Oxygen Regulators
G.5.5.2019 Ferno Number 9 Stretcher Use
G.5.6.2019 Alternative Lifting Devices
G.5.7.2019 Fracture Board
G.5.8.2019 KED
G.5.9.2019 Scoop Stretcher
G.5.10.2019 Stryker Tracked Stair Chair
G.5.11.2019 Ferno 35 P and 35 A Stretcher
G.5.12.2019 Fueling Procedure
G.5.13.2019 Replacement of Medication and Patient Care Equipment
G.5.14.2019 Inventory Control
G.5.15.2019 Zoll Cardiac Monitor Maintenance
G.5.16.2019 Vehicle and Equipment General and Deep Clean Process
G.5.17.2019 Fire Extinguishers
G.5.18.2019 Loss of Fleet Facilities and Equipment
G.5.19.2019 Fleet Preventative Maintenance and Repair Program
G.5.20.2019 Use of GPS AVL Monitoring Devices
G.5.21.2019 Loss or Failure of Equipment
G.5.22.2019 Stryker MX Pro Stretcher
G.5.23.2019 Styker Power XT Pro Strecher

Professional Standards and Development Directives
G.6.1.2019 Paramedic Graduated Driving Program
G.6.2.2019 Continuing Education, Remediation and Reinitregration
G.6.3.2019 Provision of Patient Care
G.6.4.2019 Clinical Observation Deployment
G.6.5.2019 Paramedic Safety While Engaged in Professional Development Programs
G.6.6.2019 Annual Performance Appraisal Process
G.6.7.2019 Regulatory Compliance for Employment
G.6.8.2019 Complaint Management
G.6.9.2019 Human Resources Inventory
G.6.10.2019 ePCR Audits

Stakeholder Relations

G.7.1.2019 Emergency Department Closure
G.7.2.2019 Medical and Nonmedical Escorts Language
G.7.3.2019 Special Event and Public Relations Activities

Occupational Health and Safety

G.8.1.2019 Workplace First Aid Equipment and Processes
G.8.2.2019 Care and Transportation of Suspected Ebola EVDCases
G.8.3.2019 Personal Floatation Device Utilization
G.8.4.2019 Operating Around Aircraft
G.8.5.2019 Personal Hand Hygiene
G.8.6.2019 Probibition of Smoking
G.8.7.2019 Transportation of Communicable Disease Patients
G.8.8.2019 Notification of Fire Services
G.8.9.2019 Disposal of Hazardous Materials and Biomedical Sharps
G.8.10.2019 Traffic Safety
G.8.11.2019 Personnel Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities
G.8.12.2019 Ergonomic Lifting
G.8.13.2019 Paramedic Safety Equipment
G.8.14.2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Paramedics
  COVID-19 Medical Exemption Form
G.8.15.2020 Ambulance Staging

Message from the Chief

The MISSION of Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services is to participate in the full scope of pre-hospital emergency medical/health services by providing direct patient care and transportation to the sick and injured in all the communities we serve.

We will accomplish this by committing our resources toward fulfilling the responsibilities we undertake as an essential social service under the mandate of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board, as an allied emergency response agency and, as an affiliated medical/health care discipline.

The VISION of Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services is to design, develop and deliver our strategies, programs, policies, protocols, plans, procedures and directives towards assuring that we:

  • Render service to 100% of all Paramedic Service calls, 100% of the time with full appreciation and respect for the uniqueness of every call.
  • Use all proven methods to render care and transportation while leading responsible innovation in pre-hospital health/medical service delivery.
  • Recognize the commitment our staff, volunteers and their families make to protect and preserve a high quality of life in all the communities we serve.

In Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services, we VALUE:

  • The dignity of every person
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Knowledge
  • Commitment
  • Teamwork
  • Honour
  • Honesty
  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Skill
  • Passion


Paul Myre

Chief of Paramedic Services
Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB
Phone: 705-862-7850 ext. 601

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