Promoting healthy communities through
the planning, coordination and management
of municipal services and programs.

Questions and Answers
Who operates Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services?
The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board is the designated delivery agent for land ambulance in the Manitoulin and Sudbury Districts. The land ambulance service is directly operated by the DSB with all of the paramedics being DSB employees. The DSB is proud of the high quality paramedic service that we provide to the residents and visitors of our communities
How do I call an ambulance?
Look in the front pages of your telephone book to find out the emergency number to call in your area. Most of the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB areas have a 911 telephone number for emergencies.The ambulance dispatcher will ask you for the following information so that an ambulance can be sent immediately:
- location of the patient - town / municipality, address and closest major road intersections
- telephone number where the patient is located or from where the call is being made
- the condition of the patient
Is the ambulance dispatch centre part of the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services?
No. The Central Ambulance Communications Centre (CACC) is directly operated by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC). The CACC receives the calls, selects the ambulance(s) or other resources (Emergency First Response Teams or Air Ambulance) to respond and dispatches them.Do I pay for ambulance trips?
If you have a valid Ontario Health Card and your use of a land ambulance is deemed to be medically essential by an attending physician you will:
- not be billed for ambulance trips between Ontario medical facilities (e.g. between two hospitals), but
- be billed a co-payment of $45.00 for ambulance trips which either originate or end at a place other than a health facility (e.g. between your home and a hospital).
If you do not have a valid Ontario Health Card or your trip is deemed not medically essential by an attending physician you will be billed $240.00 for a land ambulance trip.
What is the actual cost of an ambulance trip?
The average cost to the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB for each land ambulance call was $960.57 in 2003. Legislation currently prevents the whole cost being billed to a patient regardless of whether they have OHIP coverage or not.
Who bills me and who gets the billed funds?
The hospital that you arrive at or depart from will bill you. The hospital retains the majority of the billed fee and submits a portion to the Ontario MOHLTC.Are there any exemptions to the Paramedic Services bills?
You may be exempted from any payment of an ambulance trip if you are
* receiving provincial social assistance, Home Care or are living in a facility licensed or approved by the Ministry of Health, or
* being transferred between provincially regulated health care facilities (e.g. hospitals, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation centres, homes for special care).
What level of service is provided by Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services?
97% of our front line staff are Primary Care Paramedics. A primary care paramedic is a graduate of a two year intensive college program and has the ability to provide several delegated medical acts including: defibrillation (electrical shocking of the heart) and the administration of several medications. Paramedics must re-certify annually.
Where does the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services provide service from?
Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services has stations at the following locations: Hagar, Noëlville, Killarney, Gogama, Foleyet, Chapleau, Massey, Espanola, Little Current, Wikwemikong, Mindemoya, and Gore Bay. These ambulances are dynamically deployed so that they may be assigned to “standby” in various locations throughout our area in order to provide emergency coverage to the larger community.In addition, the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services supports volunteer Emergency First Response Teams in St. Charles, French River Delta, Tehkummah, Cartier, and Cockburn Island. These are volunteers who are provided with first aid and CPR training and are called upon to respond to emergencies in their communities, providing aid until the paramedics arrive.
How many calls does the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services do in a year?
Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services ambulances respond to more than 9,000 calls per year. Approximately 3,000 of these calls are emergencies with a risk to someone’s health, safety or life.
When driving and an ambulance is approaching with its emergency lights and / or siren activated what must I do?
The Highway Traffic Act requires that all vehicles pull to the right and stop in both directions of travel when an emergency vehicle (Paramedic Services, Fire or Police) is approaching with its emergency lights and / or siren activated.If an emergency vehicle (Paramedic Services, Fire or Police) is on the shoulder of the road with its emergency lights activated, it is the law that approaching vehicles slow down and move over to give the emergency workers more room and safety on the side of the road.
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