News Media 2013

Dec 13,2014 DSB forecasts surplus budget - The Recorder
Dec 12,2013 Filling an ambulance with Christmas Spirit - MidNorth Monitor
Dec 11,2013 Non-urgent patient transfer project deemed a success - The Expositor
Dec 11,2013 DSB begins process of changing rental fees for Gore Bay apartments - The Expositor
Dec 11,2013 DSB creates senoir priority waiting list for all rental units - The Expositor
Dec 6,2013 Non-urgent patient transfer service project a huge success - The Recorder
Dec 6,2013 Michigan man praises EMS ambulance crew efforts - The Recorder
Dec 6,2013 DSB Woods Lane apartments to be converted to affordable rents system - The Expositor
Nov 14,2013 Non-urgent patient transfer update - The MidNorth Monitor
Nov 14,2013 Child care rates being lowered - The MidNorth Monitor
Nov 1, 2013 Municipalities faced with increase in DSB requisitons - The Recorder
Oct 4, 2013 Extra funds provided for non-urgent patient transportation pilot project - The Expositor
Oct 4, 2013 Affordable housing for seniors comes to forefront - MidNorth Monitor
Oct 2, 2013 DSB declares that its Little Current apartments are soley for seniors - The Expositor
Sept 7,2013 FONOM Board meets with Ministers at AMO - The Chapleau Express
Sept 4,2013 Jobs for Youth program gives students lifelong employment skills - The Expositor
Aug 30,2013 Successful DSB Student Employment Program - The Recorder
Aug 26,2013 New EMS Centre Open in Foleyet - Net News Ledger
July 5, 2013 DSB Surplus to be returned to municipalities - Manitoulin Recorder
Jun 19,2013 Patient transfer project an innovative solution - Manitoulin Expositor 
Jun 19,2013 Second annual Family Container Gardening and barbecue - The Mid-North Monitor
Jun 13, 2013 Espanola's model of the NE LHIN Patient Transfer Service Pilot project coming in under budget-The Mid-North Monitor
Jun 6, 2013 DSB seeks to pair Island employers and students for summer jobs - The Expositor
May 31,2013 Patient transfer service pilot project a success thus far - The Recorder
May 31,2013 DSB shows budget surplus - The Recorder
May 29,2013 Area paramedics train to stay a top of their game - The Mid-North Monitor
May 18,2013 Successful Career Exploration Fair - The Chapleau Express
May 3, 2013 DSB rejects Espanola's call for support - The Recorder
May 1, 2013 Espanola's pleas for respite turned down by DSB - The Expositor
May 1, 2013 Espanola caught between a rock and a hard place - The Mid-North Monitor
Apr. 19,2013 Property transferred to town for proposed seniors' housing unit - The Recorder
Apr. 18,2013 Area paramedics support contract after one year of being without - The Mid-North Monitor
Apr. 12,2013 Paramedics reach new agreement with DSB - The Recorder
Apr. 3, 2012 Public access defibrillation (PAD) program in area - The Mid-North Monitor
Apr. 3, 2013 Espanola Mayor pleads with DSB - The Mid-North Monitor
Apr. 3, 2013 Espanola asks DSB partners to lighten its load - The Manitoulin Expositor
Mar 13,2013 Patient Transfer Service Pilot - The Mid-North Monitor
Mar.6, 2013 DSB says standby ambulances may be eliminated - The Expositor
Mar.1, 2013 Paramedics reach tentative agreement with DSB - The Recorder
Feb.20, 2013 DSB, hospitals solve patient transfer issue - The Expositor                                                     
Jan.11, 2013 Funding Provided for LaCloche-Manitoulin ambulance service delivery pilot project - The Recorder
Jan. 9, 2013 Non-emergency transfer issue in Ministry of Health's Hands; unspecified consequences for district services board - Kenora Daily Miner
Jan. 2, 2013 Funding provided to DSB for Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative - The Recorder
2012 News Media

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