How to Apply

1. Complete the application form

Print the subsidy application form (2 pages) and complete all sections as applicable. The completed application along with copies of the required documents can be faxed to 1-866-397-3334 or dropped to the closest Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB office.


2. Wait for notification of your Intake Interview

Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, and an appointment will be made for an Intake Interview. Please bring all required documentation to the interview.


3. Find a child care program

Subsidy is available in a variety of licensed child care settings. You, the parent, choose the type of care you want for your child, either in a licensed day care centre or with a home child care provider through a licensed home child care agency.

To assist you in making an informed choice, please review the list of child care programs currently offered in the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB region. We encourage you to visit the child care centres and home child care agencies in your area to help you with your choice.

Please begin your intake with the child care program at the same time as your application for subsidy. Make sure your children are registered on that program's wait list. This is important as some centres do have a wait list.


4. What information will I need to provide when applying for child care fee subsidy?

  • Birth Certificates
  • Health Cards
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Previous taxation year's Notice of Assessment and/or the previous years Canada Child Tax Benefit Notice received by Revenue Canada.
  • Letter of referral if child care subsidy request is due to the recommendation of a professional
  • Proof of address

Manitoulin Sudbury Best Start Network

The Manitoulin-Sudbury Best Start Network is facilitated by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and is comprised of agencies that are responsible for planning and delivering early years services or children's services. These community partners form the Manitoulin-Sudbury Best Start Network.

Find out how much you might pay for licensed child care here:

Quick Income Test

Download the application forms for child care subsidy here:

Application Form

Formulaire de demande

Requires Acrobat Reader 7 or higher

Disability Exemption
Requires Acrobat Reader 7 or higher


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