Mel Correspondence 2020 MOH 2018-19 Year-end Reports - Wikwemikong First Nation Ambulance Service

Ministry of Health

Emergency Health Program

Management and Delivery Branch

199 Larch Street, Suite 1004

Sudbury ON P3E 5P9

Ministère de la Sante

Direction de la gestion et de la

Prestation des services de sante d’urgence

199, rue Larch, Local 1004

Sudbury ON P3E 5P9

Mr. Fern Dominelli

Chief Administration Officer

Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board

210 Mead Blvd.

Espanola, ON P5E 1R9

Dear Mr. Dominelli:

Re: 2018/19 Year-end Reports - Wikwemikong First Nation Ambulance Service

This is to advise you that your Fiscal Year - 2018/2019 Year-end Reports have been approved in the amount of $2,111,454.

Based on our review of your year-end reports submission, we have established the following:

Expenditures submitted as per your year-end submission                        $2,140,158

LESS: Unapproved In-Year 1x funding Stair Chairs                  $6,666

LESS: Unapproved In-Year 1x funding Ferno-Ace Tech            22,038            $28,704

Approved expenditures for the year                                                              $2,111,454

Funds proved by the Ministry of Health

and Long-Term Care (IFIS TPAS Payment Notice)           $2,187,031

LESS: 2017/18 PTSD Funding flowed in 2018-19                   -39,293

ADD: 2017/18 Year-end Adjustment                                           4,207       2,151,945

BALANCE DUE TO THE MINISTRY AS AT MARCH 31, 2019                     $40,491

Mr. Dominelli,

The necessary recovery through your regular electronic cash flow will be made as soon as possible.

This year-end reports review is final and is subject to Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care audit.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve O'Neil, Senior Field Manager, North Field office at 705-564-4290, or at

Trusting the above will be satisfactory.

Stuart Mooney                                                      Steve O'Neil 

Director (Interim)                                                  Senior Field Manager (A)                                        

Emergency Health Program Management           North Field Office

and Delivery Branch (EHPMDB)




c.         C. Morphet, Director of Finance, Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB

            R. Smith, Chief of Paramedic Services, Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB

            J. Poon, Senior Financial Analyst, EHPMDB

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