Promoting healthy communities through
the planning, coordination and management
of municipal services and programs.
Message from the Supervisor
The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB's purpose is to aid individuals in becoming economically independent. We strive to help participants achieve their individual goals through employment support, literacy and education upgrading, and referrals to other agencies.
We are committed to the fair, sensitive and equitable treatment of all people who require Ontario Works services.
At Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, we believe:
- in an affordable and effective community based health and social services system that enables individuals to play an active role in programs designed to improve the conditions of their lives;
- that investing in people through a comprehensive, integrated, responsive health and social services system is vital to healthy communities;
- that employment and community placements are integral to an individual's feeling of contribution to the community and purpose, and that these placements should, where possible, reflect the individual's particular interests and talents;
- that resources are to be targeted to programs and services that are proven to be effective;
- in community-based and integrated partnerships that are built on clear roles and responsibilities;
- in the provision of French language and culturally appropriate services that, through our work with those we are here to assist, we are actively contributing to the sustained social and economic vitality of the communities within the Manitoulin and Sudbury Districts.
Anne Quenneville
Ontario Works Program Supervisor
Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB
Phone: 705-862-7850 ext. 105