Feedback Form - OKC

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How to Apply

How to Apply for Recreation Subsidies

If you would like your child to participate in a recreation program this season, and require assistance with the registration fee or equipment, please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Maximum of $300 per child per year. Pour la version française, appuyez-ici.

How to Apply for Informal Child Care

If you're trying to move off of Ontario Works, and need temporary assistance with your child care costs, the DSB provides informal child care in areas where licensed care has not been established. Please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Pour la version française, appuyez-ici.

How to Apply for Early Childhood & Supplemental Health Related Items

Through this program we can top up your OW discretionary benefit on items such as cribs and beds. We can also assist with emergency needs such as formula and diapers. Please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Pour la version française, appuyez-ici.

Our Kids Count

The Our Kids Count program is a Social Assistance Reinvestment program that assists all low-income families by supporting parents on social assistance as they move into employment with improved access to essential benefits and services for their children.

Recreation Bursaries, Informal Child Care Subsidies, Early Childhood & Supplemental Health Related Items.....Click here


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