Employment Ontario

How to Apply

Employment Ontario


Chapleau & surrounding area only

Need help getting started?

It may be hard to see at first but your job is out there…and we'll help you find it.

We're Employment Ontario and we want to help you get the training, skills and experience to achieve your goals. We want to connect people looking for work with employers looking for workers. That's why we're providing you with more ways to link to our expanding services.

We are a place where people of any age can learn about:

• jobs/careers

• the local labour market

• training opportunities

• apprenticeship information

• job search strategies

We have free access to:

• computers for job search, cover letters and resumés

• faxing services

• photocopying services

• workshops

• career and job search related materials and publications

• apprenticeship information

• internet for job and career information

We can help with:

• one-on-one assistance with your job search

• career planning, making a resumé and cover letter, learning how to market yourself, and preparing for interviews

• opportunities to develop skills and gain on the job work experience

• access to jobs

• access to training

• information with self employment

For more information, please contact us at:

(705)864-7850 extensions 133 or 134 or e-mail us at es@msdsb.net


Employment Ontario Statistics

2018 Statistics






Previous Year



Employment Ontario Statistics

2017 Statistics


Coming Soon



Employment Ontario Statistics

2019 Statistics






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